UPDATE: Figured more stuff would come out on this. Heath VonEye left the city of Madison, SD in 2011 after only 2.5 years as planning director;

VonEye said he “will seek other avenues to achieve his personal and professional goals” in explaining his resignation as Madison’s first public works director. He told the commissioners that his decision was determined by “circumstances beyond his control.”

It may be the oldest story in the book, misuse of public funds(?), fall back on Jesus, quit without punishment and move on to another town. I also heard from a Watertown official that Mack and VonEye had a policy of NOT sharing information with the council so they would vote for stuff they wanted passed. (must of learned that from Poops, he is consistently withholding info from our council.)

Harrisburg better do some serious soul searching.


So the new city manager just starts and she is already causing issues with her new Deputy;

According to KXLG News, Harrisburg City Administrator Amanda Mack confirmed that the city has offered Heath VonEye a position as Deputy City Administrator. VonEye is currently Watertown’s Assistant City Manager and Public Works Director.

VonEye accepted the offer, but there is no start date as VonEye still needs to complete the resignation with the City of Watertown.

The new position comes with an annual salary of $195,000.

Amanda Mack was the previous City Manager of Watertown and resigned, which the Watertown City Council made effective on November 25. VonEye chose not to accept the Interim City Manager position and the city’s Chief Financial Officer, Kristen Bobzien, holds the title.

Watertown Mayor Ried Holien told KXLG News that the city was unaware VonEye was seeking employment elsewhere. The mayor also has a succession committee that will assist with selecting a new Watertown City Manager.

Word from residents in Harrisburg is that Mack and VonEye were BOTH hired without properly posting the jobs online, in a legal paper or the Municipal League website, still digging around on that. As for the executive session to let Mack go early which was a clear violation of open meeting laws, there may be a reason they didn’t want the ‘dirty laundry’ of city staff on full display and were willing to take the hit to cover it up. Let’s just say the rumors I have heard would not only disqualify BOTH candidates to work for the city of Watertown but also for Harrisburg. Then there is the nepotism. I certainly don’t know the reason why she was fired early, but if the rumors are true they will eventually be revealed and Harrisburg is going to have a lot of mud on their face when it is all over. Watertown is beyond help.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “UPDATE: Harrisburg’s New City Manager already in turmoil”
  1. Harrisburg already screwed the pooch when it refused to work with the state on the new prison sewer system. That was tens of millions of dollars in bonus money annually AND a chance to build out the system to handle Harrisburg’s unprecedented growth for decades to come. I’m surprised she would take the job given the NIMBY track record there.

  2. Once it comes out why she was fired and why Heath went to go work with her they will both be out of a job, or at least I think the community of Harrisburg will say, ‘See yah later.’

  3. An insider family paid from various sources operating outside the law; sounds like the mafia. Don’t it seem like what’s become of eastern South Dakota. Perhaps Watertown and Harrisburg are syndicates but not cities. The influence of the unconstitutional Sioux Falls city charter is becoming rule without rule of law.

  4. LJL, I edited the beginning of your post instead of just trashing it. I have only 2 sources who have confirmed what we both believe happened and until Amanda and Heath fess up or quit that is where those ‘rumors’ will remain, in the trash bin. I think Sioux Falls should just Annex Harrisburg, Canton and Tea instead of fighting this economic development battle. I also think Lincoln and Minnehaha should become a super county merging their governments and commissions. We have all this stupid hand wringing when we could just work together. But instead we enjoy ‘screwing’ each other, in more ways then one 🙂

  5. Apparently handing out $200K salary jobs in Harrisburg without doing much in the way of due diligence. I would think some informal networking between peers on the respective City Councils may have surfaced concerns. AFA checking references, I’m certain the new City Administrator offered a glowing reference. LOL!

  6. BTW, the minutes posted online for the special meeting held on Dec 31, 2024 to consummare this action do not record a vote on the motion to hire Mr. VonEye.

  7. I apologize for going off topic but the house destroyed by a pick up at West 33rd and South Duluth was demolished on Thursday! Finally.

  8. Thanks, Rich, for the update. It only took about 11 months. A memorial service needs to be established, or a celebration of life sort of thing for it and the once 1920s era Standard Oil gas station that, until recently, used to stand at 18th & Minnesota. The former suffered a painful last months of life, while the latter was taken from us in a flash. One became history, while the other was history, or is it fair to say that they both became history?

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