This is from the NCAC (National Coalition Against Censorship) which have an interesting take on this;
Yesterday, President Trump signed an Executive Order entitled “Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship.” The Executive Order aims to inhibit the government’s ability to censor–or pressure private companies to censor–constitutionally protected speech.
The National Coalition Against Censorship has long argued that the government should never use its power to pressure companies to censor voices that the government cannot censor itself. Last year, when we filed our amicus brief in the case Murthy v. Missouri with the Supreme Court, we argued that the Biden administration had overstepped its bounds in pressuring social media companies to remove speech it deemed misinformation. That brief was filed in service of the nonpartisan principle that our constitution rightly forbids the government from using its resources to silence unpopular viewpoints. At the very heart of our Democracy is the idea that we have a right to hear and engage with dissent over government policy.
We welcome new restrictions on the government’s complicity in censorship. However, the Executive Order is vague, and its true value will be in its application over the coming days, months, and years. The strength of our free expression right is defined by its consistency: free speech must be indivisible, and the government must avoid picking winners and losers in political debates regardless of politics or party and regardless of popularity and power. We hope that this Executive Order signals a true commitment to keeping all voices free from government censors.
This is something I have been telling my friends with Trump, he is so unpredictable that some of his policies might even be good. But you also have to understand that if he sees Libs praising him he will change course. Also, private companies can censor whoever they want to. The 1st Amendment applies to GOVERNMENT censorship, that’s it, full stop.
Trump doesn’t care about free speech. He just wants to guarantee that his kind of people can lie on social media and continue to spread falsehoods.
The real issue here is that we must all recognize how the internet, and thus social media, have empowered us all to be talking heads and potential influencers. This realization is very democratic, but it also allows for the free follow of thought to include those who merely offer snake oil as the remedy.
When an enterprise or industry fails to self-regulate, then the government becomes the only potential savior. Although, this remedy can be dangerous, as suggested by Trump’s act or the NCAC’s concern, the government’s advocacy for truth, which some may call censorship, is no different than how the government for decades has controlled our airwaves through the FCC.
As long as this regulation is a battle between rhetoric versus fact and not one’s rhetoric versus the government’s rhetoric, then these actions by our government are not censorship, but rather an avenue to maintain the truth in a sea of potential influencers who potentially will say anything to sell their snake oil.
Keep in mind, too, that many who have joined the Trump bandwagon on this overall issue are also critical of social media sites when they unilaterally censor certain comments, but frankly, how is that any different than the Argus not printing every letter to the editor that it gets, which it has been doing for decades? Because many in the Trump crowd wave the flag of free speech while advocating the banner of a controlled or dictated press, which should also be free as well.
When I started moderating my comments many peeps came down on me. I didn’t do it because I wanted to control the narrative, I did it because many of the comments were libelous, and shit talk. I am not scared of threats, most people who make these kind of threats are weak people that I could push over with a breath, I didn’t want to be sued for your shit talk, and doesn’t that tell us what this is really about? Free speech is so complicated. I have read mountains of materials about the Roman Empire, and I am still not done, so fascinating, but the 1St Amendment and free speech has even more stories. As a free American citizen I say, freedom doesn’t have a price, but speech does, and it is unfortunate. Keep fighting. I still believe we will defeat Trump.
Trump will defeat himself. #IntersectionSouthOfFlandreau
When you read his 207 Executive Orders, you begin to learn all the lies of the “Left” and it is nice that Scott exemplifies a few of them. Donald Trump is who I have always said he is, a Free Market, Less Government Guy. This is a “Revolution of Commonsense” – you will see the States and the People Respectively gaining more rights in the years ahead witch de-regulation, a repeal of the Income Tax on all Income, and Tariffs on Foreign Imports. We will rebuild America, restore our Sovereignty, and become a “Free Country” Again. The employment freeze on the federal govt, and the massive job layoffs and termination of federal jobs is going to open many jobs in the private sector. We will prosper again, and we shall be less regulated, controlled, and enjoy more freedoms than ever. I dare anyone on social media to call Trump a fascist now, they will be laughed off the internet.
Mike, what’s your favorite Kool-Aid?
so to sum up, fire the entire government workforce, give government contracts to republican cronies in the private sector, and then hire white men to fill those jobs, since white men are inherently more qualified than minorities or women. unless the women are hot, then that would count as a qualification.
“I dare anyone on social media to call Trump a fascist now, they will be laughed off the internet.”
Gosh, Mike, you’re so smart. You should run for public office.