January 2025

UPDATE: Omaha holding big event Tuesday to help Tzadik residents

UPDATE: So, things are not getting much better. So this happened;

So while the tenants are getting gouged on utilities by the service provider, the landlord isn’t even paying the bills. To turn tenants gas off in the middle of winter is CRIMINAL and it is time for the SFPD to produce an arrest warrant for this guy.

As you know, the city of Omaha is also dealing with that dirty rotten rat who owns Tzadik properties;

Health and safety concerns have been raised after conditions at City View Apartments were brought to the attention of the city, and it’s because of those issues that local attorney Dave Pantos said residents could possibly get out of their lease for free.

Well look there, a local attorney willing to help, in Sioux Falls, not so much. In fact I was in a meeting with an attorney and state representative Kadyn Wittman several months ago with tenants and all they got was the ‘HAND’ and little help, but no surprise. They have more important things to do, like making sure transgender females can use the woman’s bathroom 🙁 Most attorneys in Sioux Falls are on retainer with the city and won’t take personal cases against the city or landlords because they like the city’s butter on their bread. It is almost impossible to get a SF attorney to represent you against the city, maybe the SD Supreme Court in all their knowledge should address this? LMFAO! They are so useless, I don’t think I could even count on them to be a school cross guard. Either way, they are getting legal representation, unfortunately they have to get it from out of state.

Oh, but besides rent for an apartment crawling in cockroaches, frozen pipes, broken security, broken pipes, broken fire alarms, mold and nails flying out of the garbage disposal they make the residents pay a service company for utilities, and it is a doozy. I will post two bills that are completely different but still make no sense;

When this was first sent to me, I told them, “Pretty obvious you are being gouged.” I have a 900 Square foot house that I live alone in and these above charges equal about $177 in winter and $90 in the summer so I find this to be an incredible ‘GRIFT’ by the service provider and the landlord. I actually laughed with the service fee. Really?! After basically taking a 100% or more commission you still charge a service fee. RATS!!!!!!

The saddest part is the inaction from city hall. The city government has a lot of power when it comes to putting this person in compliance, but they are to big of wimps to do it. It only took 20+ years to tear down a recycling center that almost fell over before the bulldozers showed up by my house, so I am guessing that maybe in 2045 these folks will get some help 🙁

But hey, we gotta build a ninja warrior complex in the Arena! Priorities people!

More evidence the SD State Legislature is out of touch with constituents

The sad part is that they don’t care and are on a mission from God;

  • By a 36%-58% margin, voters oppose “a school voucher program, also known as education savings accounts, where the state gives parents tax dollars that pay for their student to attend a private school or be homeschooled rather than a public school.”
  • This opposition includes parents of public school students (21% of the electorate), who oppose the proposal by a 33%-58% margin.

When I talk to parents that home school or send to private school (Chritian) they are opposed to them also. They understand that it is a CHOICE to send their kids to whatever school they want to and enjoy that freedom. They feel that public funding should only be for public schools and this is a slippery slope. I would agree. Of course the legislature claims public schools are ‘indoctrinating’ students. Which I found laughable since public school kids are not forced into Mass during the school day. Let’s talk indoctrination. This will likely pass with the 10 Commandments, and once again the SD State Legislature which is 90% right wing nutzos, didn’t listen to the voters just the Bible stuck up their arsses.

Another Symptom of Closed Government in Sioux Falls; Nepotism

But this isn’t your average case. I guess the son of COS, Erica Beck, our part-time mayor, has been working in HR since at least 2022-2023, and is the recruiter for the SFPD (these are the salary listings for 2023-25);

Besides being blatant nepotism and a massive conflict of interest what makes it even more troubling is that he is management in the HR department. Who is Ethan’s supervisor? Mommy dearest? And look at those raises, almost 10K each year! Must be doing a bang up job!

So let’s review;

• Knowingly hiring your son to work in management in city government: NEPOTISM

• Putting him in a supervisor role in HR to monitor the HR department: NEPOTISM

• Massive raises without a promotion or increased job duties (this is a trick to bump up pension and benefits): NEPOTISM

This is the kind of crap you see in the private sector, but NOT on the taxpayer’s dime. Apparently Poops and Beck think the City of Sioux Falls is their private corporation to run. And we used to think Councilor Erpenbach’s kids mowing the parks was a big deal.

Why are the taxpayers of Sioux Falls giving money to a Religious Organization?

Not sure how long the city has been doing this, but if you look at the December expense report apparently we need to fund religious orgs in town now;

YMCA (YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSN OF SF): $16,416.63, Operating Support

Besides being kind of an odd amount and giving money to a religious organization without the consent of the public or even the city council is NOT a good look. Also, if you check their tax filing from 2020 they are part of a National organization that pulls in millions from donors and grants;

This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Young Mens Christian Association is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a “Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation” by the IRS.

They even describe themselves as a religious organization. It would be like the taxpayers giving money to the Catholic Diocese. I know we have been giving to them for awhile on different programming but after they f’d up the deal with Sanford on the west side rec center, essentially forcing us to purchase the place because Sanford was loosing money on the facility, they shouldn’t get another penny from us!

The entire expense report is fascinating to read because it provides little detail for massive handouts, like this;

LLOYD COMPANIES: $992,331.40, Various Projects

Closed government at it’s best!

Speaking of that, the salaries finally posted Friday afternoon, AFTER, they were printed in the Dakota Scout and distributed. I have not done a deep dive yet, but if you compare to last year, some folks got some massive raises!

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