During the council meeting tonight I was able to speak on the gifting audit (FF: 2:17:00). I first want to clarify, what I was talking about is what the city GIFTS to non-profits and this is NOT what the audit is for, so yeah, I was off topic, but no councilor corrected me. The audit is for gifts given to the city that have value, like the Brockhouse Animals. But I still think it was a pertinent topic to address in the same wheelhouse, the city giving millions away to non-profits with little accountability. Once again, just like clockwork the mayor tried to shut down my testimony because I was off topic. Well this time, the mayor got a tongue lashing from me, and when he tried another bite at the apple, he received another lashing, then sat back in his chair like the weak, ineffective leader he is. Maybe he brushed up on his 1st Amendment rights before the meeting, but I think he knows he was soundly beat, because I can almost taste that 1st Amendment lawsuit. Keep it up Poops, my list of people you interrupted is growing by the day, and they are a great bunch, might even say they are CLASS ACTION, uh I mean, CLASS ACTS.
I also spoke during public input (FF: 2:32:00) about the tax scheme the city tried to pull on citizens in the legislature for that stupid Riversh!t Pisstrict. I think I said it was a ‘snakey’ move. Which now I look back on and wonder why I don’t prepare my testimony like Chad Bishop. Oh, that’s right, it takes hours to research conspiracy theory sites and pull this together, I ain’t got time for that, meeting some friends for pizza in a basement to trade Chomsky and Marx books.
TenHaken is from the domain of weak, insecure men. These men seek to control others because they hate themselves for who and what they are. They pretend to love their fellow man but really they hate themselves. He lacks both self-respect and critical thinking skills, which is why he can;t deal with anyone else in his arena. Oh, maybe that’s why he needs a new convention center?
“….Oh, that’s right, it takes hours to research conspiracy theory sites and pull this together, I ain’t got time for that, meeting some friends for pizza in a basement to trade Chomsky and Marx books….”
Perhaps, this is all that Pizzagate was, AND, do you guys ever swap Bettie Page photos?
Oh, and shouldn’t the Riverline District actually be called the Whistleline District?
Congratulations, Dusty! Now, you won’t have to save Sturgis to save and preserve Mt. Rushmore by going topless at the basement Dungeon Bar during the Sturgis Bike Rally.
Now, Musk claims there is someone who is 150 years old getting Social Security as we speak. Wow, this kind of sounds like McCarthy talking about communists at the State Department, but, whatever…. But then again, let’s think about this… The first SS checks went out in 1938, which at that time, this alleged 150-year-old person was
), but that child had a disability which has qualified them for SS as a child because they had a parent who was already on SS, and then the linkage of this SS check or payments (continual SS math calculations) could continue beyond the child’s 21st birthday if they immediately qualified for disability payments under SS, whether their father was still alive or not and beyond their 21st birthday and continual, and their father’s presuming eventual preceding death. Let’s also say, that this child was fathered at the 150-year-old’s 75th year of life (He’s a Tyler kind of guy), which would then be 1950, which would then make this child 75 today and very conceivably still alive and receiving SS from linkage and mathematical calculations, which would involve this child’s 150-year-old father’s SS payments. Is that what Musk is really talking about?
63 years old, so then two years later in 1940 he (There’s a reason I’m saying “he” and not “she”.) would have qualified for SS at age 65 under 1938 current law, but let’s say he fathered a child at age 75 (It’s possible, our 10th president, John Tyler, who served from 1841-45 still has a grandson who is alive
Or, better yet, what about a teen wife aged 16 in 1938 (They do this down South a lot), who married a 73 year old (She wants his SS money), who is still alive at 103 and receives a SS check each month that is tied in mathematical calculations or evaluations based on her deceased husband’s once SS checks, and a husband who was born in 1875?
Keep in mind, too, that I believe a widow was still receiving Civil War payments until 2009 because in her teens she married a Civil War veteran back in the 1930s because she wanted his CW pension. Or, how about the widow of a Revolutionary War soldier who was still receiving a RW pension into the first decade of the 20th Century under similar circumstances to the CW widow?
In fact, with Trump having had three wives and with children having been born from the mid-1970s through 2006, he should understand my logic better than most. OH, and doesn’t Musk have a ton of kids from multiple wives, too?
So, Mr. Musk, give us the true facts here. I know Trump used to be a protege of Roy Cohn, but this is getting a little too eerie.
“… if they immediately qualified for disability payments under SS ( at age 18), whether their father was still alive or…. ”
“…. who married a 73 (63) year old…. ”
#TheyAreComingForYourSocialSecurity #JasonIsBack!
I realize this is a Republican state but I hope some see what Trump is doing to this country. It’s a takeover everyone ignores. Musk brings his kid into the Oval Office to soften the blow when he takes over as dictator. Trump travels to sporting events while government gets pulled apart by DOGE. There’s now 60+ constitutional court cases in the first 50 days of this President. With appeals, it’ll be 10 years for any to reach Supreme Court. It would seem the only way to turn this around is a Coup or states leaving the union forming a new republic(s). It happens when there’s no rule of law and the wealthy leave the population no quality of life resembling subservient slavery.
TenHaken will be like all mayors. He’ll disappear into history hoping he might sometime be recognized at a coffee shop. His best bet is to kiss up to Trump like Noem and polish Musk’s bottle rocket space ships.
TenHacker will never disappear, his ego is too big for that to happen. He loves the attention, he must be in the spotlight.
Eggs for Easter. Bunnies lay eggs, not chickens. Trump’s birthday to become a national holiday. Still Christmas for Jesus? Asteroid hits earth in 2032 but Trump will launch nukes before then. Are Fascists confined to inside DC beltway? Is there still constitutional law somewhere?