So I heard last year these bids were coming up, can’t wait to see the price-tags on this. Of course, if the repairs are reasonable they will come out of the entertainment tax fund or reserves. But once the engineers start digging, be curious what they find (probably just fix it with caulk like they did the first time around).

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “It’s time to fix the Denty!”
  1. America: Canada’s 11th province.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, if we became a part of Canada, then we would finally have universal health care, huh?”….. #LetsDoIt! #GovernorTrump )

  2. To fix ‘The Denty’, implode it and stack the remnants instead of a $70k wall at Bishop Dudley. Tyranny begets tyranny.

  3. The Denty is designed to implode. What do you think the wrinkles are all about? But when it happens, will a black hole form sucking in everything around it? No wonder the stuffed animals wanted to leave town, and apocalypticism was once the theme across the street. Black holes come from collapsing stars.
    AND, the Denty has been known to have had more than one star, which have then ironically, thus, just become one. Nothing can escape a black hole. It’s like being elected to the local City Council and no longer having an independent thought. Perhaps, a mini black hole already exists at the Carnegie. When this mini black hole then collides with the impending Denty black hole, the confusion and intensity of the swirl will be immense, leaving the final victims no time to turn off the lights for they, too, including the last light, will be sucked in this combined massive black hole… You know, like independent thought at a Council meeting concerning a controversial issue. That’s why public input can only talk, or be about the future, because the past has been sucked in and destroyed, and the future, well, it’s quite bleak and short-lived, so why even discuss it?

  4. “The Denty becoming a black hole?”…. “YIKES!”….. “But can ‘Black Sabbath’ perform there first before all of the chaos ensues?”….. “PLEASE!”….. 🙁 #InsaneClownPosse #NineInchNails

  5. Carnegie not fenced in but try to be heard at Public Comment. It’d be a nuclear collider if/when citizens get a voice in government. Denty has issues but city is (so far) lucky. It’ll never pay for itself so might as well build another losing venue downtown. Hurrah, the state is stalling property tax. Combined with low sales tax, maybe the city will go broke and finally reorganized with a new charter. This time, try democracy and revert to commissioners. Mayor ego government is more like Trump. Meant to make a few billionaires wealthy while the population needs infrastructure.

  6. let it crumble and build a new one downtown next to the convention center. what’s a billion dollars to the greatest economy in the state with the greatest economy ever!

  7. “Nuclear collider”? Do you all remember when Mickelson and the Republicans tried to bring one of those to South Dakota? Well, we never got it and had to settle for Rounds’ hope of finding dark matter in a Black Hill’s hole, instead. But now scientists say that black matter might not exist and that instead, there’s a dark energy, you know, like what makes Sioux Falls work, which might exist instead. While Musk is in DC, we could use a Hubble or Webb telescope here locally to drive some transparency, huh? Maybe we should send an email out to every local city employee to ask them to justify their position. That would be a good one. I can’t wait to get the response from the city employee who oils the lift at Great Bear, right? Colliders, black holes, dark matter, and energy, when it is all said, does any of this really matter? The gravity of the situation is enormous, while the fabric of space/time around here is obviously warped beyond the Einstein suggestion of gravitational waves and more like the ripple effect of developer displacement, where the developers’ mass outweighs everyone elses’, even though mass is not weight, because we must always wait to see what the developers want to do next, and then they pull us along like a side-kick moon which is on a path with its mother Earth developer reality for an eventual collusion with our fate and our finality….. Talk about a Big Bang, huh?

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