So with only announcing the headliners and NO opening acts, the Pavilion is attempting to sell tickets to an event no one knows much about;

I often assumed that the event was going to be FREE like JazzFest or at a greatly reduced price. If you would have opened it to the masses you would have made up the entry fees in beer money. Also, this is supposed to be some kind of anniversary celebration for the Pavilion, and after heisting millions from taxpayers over the years in taxes and subsidies you would think they would put on a backyard party for us for FREE. But that is not how it works at the WashSnotty Pavilion, we can only reward those who supported us, you know, families that can afford to drop $1,000 a night watching a Broadway Musical. Can’t wait to hear what they charge for a 12oz. Monday Light? I wonder if the Pavilion will have ‘Event Funding’ so you can pay for your beer and ticket with monthly payments? Just don’t take the bike trail to the event, you will end up in the river 🙁

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Lally Cooler is gonna Lally Cost Yah”
  1. What if it gets out of control like Woodstock and with a frenzy like those that raced to Devils Tower in ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind?’ That would be so cool. Will Santana be there? It’s too bad the bike trail won’t reach there, yet. Maybe, that’s the future plan, huh? Imagine MadMax e-bikers on the trail racing to get to Lally Cooler. Lally Cooler, what kind of name is that, anyhow? It sounds like where the beer is kept at a house party hosted by a former Argus writer, and he did like the bike trail, too….. AND, who is this Pitbull guy? How do we know it’s not Vin Diesel? AND, this Hunt guy has a name like an ABC news reporter….. Who are they trying to fool?… Some say that concerts are meant to steal the souls of attendees, but I’m not sure about that, because my soul has literally been in concert with both good and bad for some time. But I do wish them the best, and as this event grows over the years, hopefully some kind of ‘Burger Battle’ can be a part of it amongst the many vendors there before the eventual corporate white vendor tents begin to show up and ruin it all like they did for the once JazzFest 🙂

  2. “‘Lally Cooler’?” …… “I think I went to high school with his sister, Sally”…. “She was pretty cool and hot, if you know what I mean” 😉 ….. “In fact, one time she was caught behind a cooler with a high school football player, who was showing her his football, and then they started to play around and it was the first time a football player made a home run”….. “Yep, good old Sally, cool and hot, just like a handy faucet that’s ready to serve you” …… “Oh yes, oh yes, indeed”…..

  3. Is this the thing they’re making a big deal out of Pitbull being booked? I’m supposed to be excited for Pitbull? I’d rather go to the animal shelter and watch real pitbulls frolicking.

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