Pretty much.

10 command . . .?

When the development plan was first presented to the planning commission it was under the pretense that the developer at the time who owned the property, Justin Johnson, would develop it as presented. After that, JJ sold the property to Tre who got private investors. When the SF City Council approved the open ended, interest free loan of $500K for demolition, Tre, once again, seemed to lie about the development plan. The shcity council approved the expense to taxpayers and now Tre are saying there is no plan, because they have no money. May I suggest a SF Heroes garden for the space?! Just like the Arc of Dreams, it would be a game changer for 18th and Minnesota.

Like the Dems in Congress, I ask the CC, what the Hell are you doing?!

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Did Tre Ministries LIE to the City Council?”
  1. I suggest a historical marker, a memorial site there for the loss of that rather pristine 1920-30s era Standard Oil gas station that was recently demolished there…. So, you are telling me they destroyed history without a plan, but why are we not surprised that, once again, city fathers have taken a Pol Pot approach to our future with only potholes to show for it….. Talk about some pols…. This might be time for a good Polish joke, but the loss of that old pristine gas station is a dirty shame…. Gas stations can be history…. No, they can be, indeed:

  2. Oh, and as far as the Dems in DC, well, most of them only know how to represent not their constituency, but rather their single-issue constituency. They are not tooled to deal with the core issues of the Democratic Party, or are not full service Democrats but instead leaders of just one particular issue, which makes it hard for them to deal with Trump, who is everywhere and on everything.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “He’s ‘on everything’ alright, just ask Stormy”…. 🙂 )

  3. Huether once gave TenHaken the Bunker Ramp, while TenHaken is giving the next mayor the Gaza Reclaim at 18th & Minnesota.

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