Ever since Poops made the comment about ‘Turd Alley’ (this guy seems to be obsessed with crap) some are wondering why Paul may be petering out with more then a year left in his term. Here is my theory. With a only a year left in a 8 year term, he may be ready not to start any new projects, that would NOT be unusual for a lame duck mayor, but you would think he would try to at least make a dent in some big issues he hasn’t been able to solve; affordable housing, homelessness and child care needs (which could all be solved, ironically, by paying higher wages). I think there is another reason.
All roads are leading to MAYBE. While I have mentioned this before, I did get a solid name (but still a rumor at this point) and I believe they are going to announce very soon and Paul will be helping them run for the position with a possible endorsement. So who is this candidate? They are a white, middle-aged professional male who got their start in Marketing (sound familiar?) then worked for a major healthcare provider and now works for a large national out-of-state developer/contractor. If I were to mention his name, it may not ring a bell, but if you worked in marketing or healthcare in this community you would certainly know who they are. Let’s just say he is just a clone of MMM and PTH and won’t offer much but a great smile. But I am sure the churches, the chamber and the Sanford’s of the world will think he is just AWESOME. As I said in an earlier post, we don’t need another salesman in city hall, we need a city administrator who is willing to do the work for the city employees and the citizens.
It took me less than 30 seconds of online research to solve this one, I think. Not a Mammoth choice, if you ask me. But if he’s serious, he better announce soon as 99.9% of Sioux Falls has never heard of him.
Once upon a time we heard that Joe Batcheller resigned from DTSF with the intention of running for mayor. Then he just disappeared. What happened with that campaign? I never see his name mentioned any more. MMM on the other hand is everywhere again – harassing old people, fake crying, etc. Let’s hope he finds something else to do.
Speaking of lame ducks, is Sarah Cole a one-and-done on the city council? Talk about four years wasted.
“This alleged candidate: Will we get to see his selfie portfolio before Election Day?…..
Yeah, most of the journalists in town know who it is, and I think he is announcing soon, that is why Poops gave his turd alley speech. Yeah, Cole has been a disappointment, but no surprise. I told people that a single mom that is a MD will not have any time for the job, and she has proven me right. You know, anything she brings to the table is from a former city councilor. I think she has confided that she will NOT run for a 2nd term. Can’t believe we replaced Janet with this person. Puppets.
Maybe Joe is still going to run? I saw him in his car the other day, and his plates didn’t say MAYOR. LOL.
Cole is the one who made more e-bikes legal on the trail
Oh, and on election night, she had over 50% of the vote, but she agreed with a reporter that she was now in a run-off(?).
Say, can that $55 Burger Battle burger be linked to Joe’s downtown leadership? #OutOfTouch
AND, does Joe drive a mini-van like David Z.? I believe David Z. has the “Mayor” plate unless a zombie ripped it off and ate it.
This just occurred to me the other day. You see rich, middle-class, and working-class/poor liberals run for office, but you never see working-class/poor conservatives run for office. Why is that? #UnderEducatedVoter
Kelby Krabbenhoft orDana Dykhouse
PTH has been a lame and duck mayor like he playd with the kiddos.
“I can’t wait to ‘Someday’ visit the TenHaken Mayoral Library and Museum”…. “I’m especially excited about the Chic-fil-A wing, that will undoubtly be there”…. “AND, I bet in its gift shop, you’ll be able to buy a ‘One Sioux Falls’ button, too”….
i’ve seen someone in a hundy with either a “mayor” or “mrmayor” plate.
In ’26, instead of a debate between all of the mayoral candidates, I suggest we put them all on a stage together and see who can do the most Jumping Jacks….. Then have the winner receive a $25 gift card to Chic-fil-A.
But has Paul’s pick to be the next mayor been cleared with Matt, yet?
OH, Dykhouse versus Huether…. that would be a good one. They could fee each other to death, with the survivor being awarded a new MasterCard with a credit limit of $250 and credit availability of $89.