Ever since Poops made the comment about ‘Turd Alley’ (this guy seems to be obsessed with crap) some are wondering why Paul may be petering out with more then a year left in his term. Here is my theory. With a only a year left in a 8 year term, he may be ready not to start any new projects, that would NOT be unusual for a lame duck mayor, but you would think he would try to at least make a dent in some big issues he hasn’t been able to solve; affordable housing, homelessness and child care needs (which could all be solved, ironically, by paying higher wages). I think there is another reason.
All roads are leading to MAYBE. While I have mentioned this before, I did get a solid name (but still a rumor at this point) and I believe they are going to announce very soon and Paul will be helping them run for the position with a possible endorsement. So who is this candidate? They are a white, middle-aged professional male who got their start in Marketing (sound familiar?) then worked for a major healthcare provider and now works for a large national out-of-state developer/contractor. If I were to mention his name, it may not ring a bell, but if you worked in marketing or healthcare in this community you would certainly know who they are. Let’s just say he is just a clone of MMM and PTH and won’t offer much but a great smile. But I am sure the churches, the chamber and the Sanford’s of the world will think he is just AWESOME. As I said in an earlier post, we don’t need another salesman in city hall, we need a city administrator who is willing to do the work for the city employees and the citizens.
It took me less than 30 seconds of online research to solve this one, I think. Not a Mammoth choice, if you ask me. But if he’s serious, he better announce soon as 99.9% of Sioux Falls has never heard of him.
Once upon a time we heard that Joe Batcheller resigned from DTSF with the intention of running for mayor. Then he just disappeared. What happened with that campaign? I never see his name mentioned any more. MMM on the other hand is everywhere again – harassing old people, fake crying, etc. Let’s hope he finds something else to do.
Speaking of lame ducks, is Sarah Cole a one-and-done on the city council? Talk about four years wasted.
“This alleged candidate: Will we get to see his selfie portfolio before Election Day?…..
Yeah, most of the journalists in town know who it is, and I think he is announcing soon, that is why Poops gave his turd alley speech. Yeah, Cole has been a disappointment, but no surprise. I told people that a single mom that is a MD will not have any time for the job, and she has proven me right. You know, anything she brings to the table is from a former city councilor. I think she has confided that she will NOT run for a 2nd term. Can’t believe we replaced Janet with this person. Puppets.
Maybe Joe is still going to run? I saw him in his car the other day, and his plates didn’t say MAYOR. LOL.
Cole is the one who made more e-bikes legal on the trail
Oh, and on election night, she had over 50% of the vote, but she agreed with a reporter that she was now in a run-off(?).
Say, can that $55 Burger Battle burger be linked to Joe’s downtown leadership? #OutOfTouch
AND, does Joe drive a mini-van like David Z.? I believe David Z. has the “Mayor” plate unless a zombie ripped it off and ate it.
This just occurred to me the other day. You see rich, middle-class, and working-class/poor liberals run for office, but you never see working-class/poor conservatives run for office. Why is that? #UnderEducatedVoter
Kelby Krabbenhoft orDana Dykhouse
PTH has been a lame and duck mayor like he playd with the kiddos.
“I can’t wait to ‘Someday’ visit the TenHaken Mayoral Library and Museum”…. “I’m especially excited about the Chic-fil-A wing, that will undoubtly be there”…. “AND, I bet in its gift shop, you’ll be able to buy a ‘One Sioux Falls’ button, too”….
i’ve seen someone in a hundy with either a “mayor” or “mrmayor” plate.
In ’26, instead of a debate between all of the mayoral candidates, I suggest we put them all on a stage together and see who can do the most Jumping Jacks….. Then have the winner receive a $25 gift card to Chic-fil-A.
But has Paul’s pick to be the next mayor been cleared with Matt, yet?
OH, Dykhouse versus Huether…. that would be a good one. They could fee each other to death, with the survivor being awarded a new MasterCard with a credit limit of $250 and credit availability of $89.
dick brown needs to come out of retirement and start playing basketball again.
Say, is Krabbenhoft became mayor, then he would get to have another new secretary, huh?
Just what this City government needs. A guy as Mayor who formed his spending and budgeting practices while spending hundreds of millions of T. Denny’s money. (written in sarcasm font)
I would prefer that he continue to grift “career opportunities” (each for a year or two at a time) from big-money sponsors of the Sanford International and the Sanford Sports Complex.
But you are correct, the chamber cronies will be ecstatic. Spend! Spend! Spend! Wheeeee!
I just heard from a good source that Huether is out. (?)
Allie H. could buy this town with her mammoth salary dyt?