It seems Poops and Curtis the Blurtist are in a tizzy over moving our city Spring elections. The state legislature, in all their insanity, changed state law so the city election has to be in June (during primaries) or in November (general). I’m okay with that, but I would support the election in November instead of June. Primaries are partisan and would only confuse voters to see a mayoral and council candidate with NO party affiliation on a ballot with legislators that are partisan. I do believe it will help voter turnout, but I will be curious as to how many undervotes (non-votes) are recorded in the city races if we move the election. Of course the city may have to call a special election asking voters to choose either June or November for the election. I think Curtis and Poops will support a June election. It will be interesting to see if Sioux Falls voters get to choose the date or if we are just approving what these two clowns want. I think the Charter Revision Commission will have to weigh in on this. Like I said, I support moving the election to November, but I am not looking forward to 5 more months of the ‘Trots’.


A reader pointed out to me that the CC at the Riversh!t Pisstrict was probably dropped from the Mayor’s agenda because it’s main cheerleader (not Paul) has died, Craig Lloyd. I kind of agree and never really thought about it, but Lloyd had a lot of weight behind the project, and I have a feeling after his passing, the leadership team at Lloyd said we got enough irons in the fire we don’t need to fart around with this. The company is also rumored to be under ‘reorganization’ which started last summer (this has been confirmed to me by several sub-contractors to Lloyd). I’m glad it’s dead, for now, but we will have to watch this. I’m sure future council and mayoral candidates won’t touch this topic with a ten foot pole. I think major discussions will be had about property taxes and the homeless in the next city campaign. I would love it if at least one council candidate and one mayoral candidate (I’m talking to you Christine) bring up transparency in city government and especially the information coming from the SFPD. A closed government doesn’t function properly, and until we fix that, we won’t accomplish anything in city government.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “We may have the ‘Trots’ for another few months”
  1. What does our local charter say about the extension of their terms? State law would obviously supersede, but what about the self rule argument? #TimeToGoToCourt #AprilElectionsBringMayFlowers

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, are term extensions anything like hair extensions?….. Because I know Trump would like to have both”….. 🙂 )

  2. Did you see where it’s going to be 82 on Friday, but there’s a chance for snow over the weekend?…… Like I mentioned before, Trump and Musk must be running the weather now, too…. #ClockworkOrangeLeadership #ClimateChangeAnyone?

  3. The charter sets the City Election to be the Second Tuesday of April in an even number year. IF the city council so chooses, it can combine the election with the local school board election. Like what occurred in 2020 during Covid-19 where state law forced the city’s hand, the council can simply pass a resolution to hold the election on the June Primary date, which is the second Tuesday of June. State law if goes in effect this July, would supercede the the charter, so it would automatically move our election to the June Primary. However, the City Council will have to place on a public ballot allowing the voters to change the “Language”, and there lies a catch-22. Of the Charter Revision Commission in coalition with the city council drafts the language, it would most likely be a ballot question for the June Primary 2026 City Election. I do not see the city council requesting a special election where state law simply makes the change itself. So expect in the next 10 months, look for the city council put before the C.R.C the question of what ‘date’ to hold the city election in 2026 and thereafter. These meetings would be open to the public, so any resident of the city can participate in these discussions providing public input, let alone the C.R.C would make a recommendation come January 1, 2026. I then foresee the 2024-2025 City Council moving the City Election to June 2026 Primary, allowing the voters to elect a new mayor, two At-large Reps (A and B), and a Southeast District Chair. The voters would also be voting on the official ‘change’ to the city charter whether to keep the City Election on the June Primary every other year thereafter. The weird thing is – if the “voters elect to vote NO on the change, state law would supercede the charter anyways. “WE” have to change the language either way, otherwise it would confuse the voters cause state law says one thing, and charter says another. Either way, the voters will get to choose the “Date” for every city election after 2026.

    As for the extension of terms – the charter does not say anything, but the current council members, including the mayor, shall serve until their successor’s are chosen and officially seated. The question I have, and I am sure Scott has the same question, is if the City Council choose the June 2026 Primary as the next city election, what ‘codified date’ after the election does the new council start their terms? If there happens to be a recall, the process may take more than 15-20 days to officially seat the new council members. Meaning the current Mayor, 2 At-Large Reps, and S.E Chair will serve an additional 45 days minimum.

    Will be Interesting…

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