We were told they didn’t finish the ribbon in time for this winter season because it was too cold to pour concrete. This ‘can’ be the case with certain pours when you don’t want to use chemicals to dry in the cold weather. But that’s not what happened.
Well, the rumor is that the contractor that was supposed to pour the ribbon bailed and since he was the owner he was the only one who really knew how to pour it. So now they are trying to figure out how they are going to finish it, you know, the project that costs 4x more then expected and that NO ONE ASKED FOR, except for some rich folks looking for a tax write-off.
It’s also a specialized industry pouring ice ribbons, so finding a contractor locally to finish it may be difficult. Is it safe to say we will have cost overruns on this project? You know it! It wouldn’t be a city parks project without having major cost overruns.
Doesn’t surprise me the Parks Department lied to us, that’s all they are any good at.
I also am getting some rumors about another city project that the contractor finished but really screwed up. Once I get more details I will update. If true, the irony is unbelievable.
“Say, whatever happened to those ‘ribbons’ they placed at some intersections to slow traffic and protect pedestrians and cyclists?”…. “It seems that anything involving a ribbon becomes a real mess in this town, including most ribbon cuttings”….
Please Join me in encouraging the City Council to decrease “Propety Tax Valuations” by 25% in the new budget, thus taking less from property holders allowing them to keep their income in their pockets for four years. The City needs to learn to cut spending.
Please Join me in encouraging the City Coucnil to decrease the “Second Penny Sales Tax” from 1.00% down to 0.7% allowing residents of the “City:” to maximize their purchasing power, by paying less taxes on goods and services.
Please Join me in encouraging the Mayor and City Council to establish a public office called “Government Financial Transparency” allowing the mayor and council to appoint at least 2 persons to go through each line by line of our expenses, inspecting, reviewing, and auditing ALL Departments, Offices, Agencies, and all Non-Profit organizations who work with the city. Our very own D.O.G.E to find waste, abuse, and fraud, let alone discover the fact that we can lay off, and terminate no less than 30% of our Public Workforce.
The Mayor will be giving his “Budget Address” the first week of June 2025, and soon after, he will be giving his 2026-2030 Recommended Capital Program, while the City Council will discuss that budget and capital plan from July 1st, to September 30th, 2025.
I encourage ALL RESIDENTS of this fine city to come forward during this period, voicing themselves to the Mayor and City Council demanding that we lower our two direct taxes (sales and property tax), while we demand that we “investigate” the City of Sioux Falls. (government).
“AND, another thing, what are we going to do about that Gaza reclaim area at 18th and Minnesota?”……. “Maybe we could build a Trump Tower there, huh?”……
#LamontAreYouListening? #RIPVintageStandardOilGasStation:-(
“Oh, and one more comment…. How come we never had a ribbon cutting for the Bunker Ramp and/or its mural?”….
I think some people should sneak into that Gaza reclaim area at 18th and Minnesota late at night and plant corn there, then after it matures, we could cut out a hole by harvesting the middle and then make a ball field there where home runs could then smash some windshields on Minnesota Avenue….. That would teach them…. No, better yet, what about a crop formation in the middle?….. But, what would it say?
“I’m back again….. So, say, did you guys see where Noem recently visited that notorious prison in El Salvador, which is called CECOT?”….. “I wonder if any of those bad boys down there in that prison are there for killing their dogs, huh?”…. #GroupChattingWithNoem:-)