By l3wis

23 thoughts on “Shoot Em’ Up!”
  1. what? What? WHAT does this Mean??

    I know…liberals can’t shoot guns but to get their aggressions out they make political cartoons about people shooting things.

  2. Did you draw this? I’ve seen your work. Your work is crap and I can tell what the things are in this.

    You didn’t draw this did you.

  3. No I didn’t draw all of it, boy you caught me. Call the copyright police, turn me in. You are getting smarter by the day. Are you the one that turned in Jason FolkArts for plaigirism? Good work Detective!

    Sometimes I take elements (The cowboy in this toon) from royalty free clipart. When I am being compensated for my work, I do draw it myself. I suppose you would have a problem with the editorial toon in the AL today of GW riding the falling dollar since the dollar wasn’t drawn by the cartoonist, but scanned and placed around the drawing?

    You really are a doofus, I’m sorry, I mean Douche-Bag

  4. As for the 2nd Amendment, you are wrong about my feelings on that just like you were on abortion. I commend the Supreme Court for their decision, they actually upheld the Constitution for once. I do however think gun control laws should be up to states. As Howard Dean said during his presidential campaign, “Someone owning a shotgun in Compton, Los Angeles, CA is different then someone owning one in rural Tennessee.”

    Yeah the Compton ‘Someone’ he’s refering to is a criminal. And the Tennessee ‘Someone’ is protecting his property.

    I see why you quoted Howard Dean after using the word Douche-Bag!


  6. I guess I was just commenting on how crappy you draw.
    And that the illustration is pointless.

    I know you might not like me now, but someday you’ll LOVE me. You know it’s true!

  7. i love how when somebody has a blog that you read every day, even though you usually don’t agree with the host, and you are mildly entertained so it’s fun, and then all of a sudden some other person shows up and the 2 bloggers start trying to outdo each other for who can make the dumbest comments and then all of a sudden you wonder why the heck you even bother to read all of this stuff!

    go away Guy Smylie. because Detroit can’t, he lives here.

  8. So you’re saying you can’t process others point of view?

    We’ll that’s not going to make THIS stuff any better.

  9. Guy, I processed your point of view.
    I’ve decided you are right. I’m going to go downtown and register as a Republican this afternoon. I’ll toss aside my common sense for a flag pin on my lapel and trade in my compassion and reason for a vintage “Yes on 6” bumper sticker. I wonder where I could find one of those….

  10. actually, guy, i do a pretty good job at processing others’ points of view. as i stated, i have about a 180 degree difference in point of view from Detroit. i am pro-life, pro-Jesus, and pro-almost everything he makes fun of.

    what i have a hard time validating is someone who throws out “gems” like “you draw crappy” and expects to be taken seriously. i believe in building people up, but for goodness sake, give us a reason to think you deserve the air space. then perhaps i will be pro-Guy as well!

  11. 1st Amendment….Ya, don’t have to listen to me!
    The crappy comments are actually a good way for an ‘evil’ conservative like me, to give him constructive criticism. Brutal honesty. Also it breaks through to the Ego.

    Someone who has more of an open ear may take a different approach.

  12. Well thought out statements, backed up by citing credible sources — that merits listening to alternate ideas. Troll-like antics, not really.

  13. I’m pro-jesus too… he cuts a fine Ham on the day shift down at John Morrells. You shouldn’t think that we care for one second if you are pro-anything. Your opinions and beliefs are like farts on the wind. They might stink, but in a little while it won’t matter anymore. I come here for an open forum and to see if DL can piss off the neo-cons enough to get them to post their silliness. It’s the same reason I carry an umbrella to the zoo, the animals are more fun to look at if they are annoyed because you are waving something in their face.

  14. “I’m pro-jesus too… he cuts a fine Ham on the day shift down at John Morrells.”

    He was also arrested the other night for robbing a c-store in Vermillion.

  15. Jackie;
    I wouldn’t bring up sources. Ya, know? I like your fascinations with trolls.

    Maybe you should have a brewskie, or somethin like that…

    Why is everyone so afraid???….
    because you depend on people who lie to you. Then you think everyone lies.

    That is pretty sad.

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