
What is the best way to ask God to unseat God?

While I find nothing surprising coming out of this forum, this little tidbit threw me for a loop;

The three were civil and restrained from attacking one another. The common theme was defeating Herseth Sandlin.

The event started with the reading of a verse from Psalm 109: “Let his days be few, and let another take his office,” a verse directed at Herseth Sandlin and President Obama.

WTF? There is something Republicants need to learn before they can start bringing people into their fold again; tolerance. Using bible verses as justification to unseat Herseth and Obama is not only ridiculous it proves how desperate they really are. God doesn’t solve your (assumed) problems for you, God gave you a brain to solve your own problems, use it.

8 Thoughts on “The first thing Republicants need to figure out is that our country was founded on democratic secular principles

  1. Ghost of Dude on November 18, 2009 at 8:31 am said:

    The wingnuts on that forum have pretty much taken over. Every other thread now is either copypasta from a wingnut blog, or copypasta from some idiotic chain email everyone gets from their crazy aunt who owns 36 cats.
    You should really come back to do some eye poking.
    Just don’t mention fisting.

  2. I just got done talking on the phone with Thad Wasson, and I asked him about the quote, he told me it was kind of something they said to be funny, based on a bumper sticker someone saw with the verse on it, which gives me a little relief. Gotta hand it to Ellis, he likes to stir things up.

    GoD – I have been back for awhile on the forums, but I usually just take a shit and run.

  3. Ghost of Dude on November 18, 2009 at 10:05 am said:

    “We’re going to have other people make the decisions that should be made between you and your doctor,” he warned.

    Wasn’t this guy for the abortion ban?

  4. Don’t forget the Teri Shivo legislation.

  5. Don’t fall for that response, as the next line in that Bible verse is “let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.” This isn’t a nice little joke as one of those wackjobs could take it to heart.

  6. Read all of Psalm 109. This is not a joke, it’s a call to arms. I do have a hard time believing that these bible savvy people had no clue about the context of the quote. Scott is right, this is just handing biblical justification to those wackjobs who want to get rid of Obama at any cost and by any means.

  7. Ghost of Dude on November 19, 2009 at 9:26 am said:

    I do have a hard time believing that these bible savvy people had no clue about the context of the quote.

    I don’t. Calling these fundies retarded would be an insult to the mentally challenged. They’ll take one part of one verse they read in an email and make a big cardboard sign and a thousand bumper stickers out of it. Taking the Bible out of context is something fundies actually do better than atheists.

  8. Anybody ever heard of the Crusades?

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