KELO has announced that the presidential candidates may pick a running mate this week, and Thune is in the running. I hope McSame picks him. What a perfect match of two losers.

5 Thoughts on “Please Pick Thune! Pleesssssssssssssse!

  1. It’d be nice to watch Sen. Thune in a huge defeat this fall, so why not? He and Johnson basically enabled a felon this morning and afternoon. It was so sad at how easily the 4th amendment was gutted. What is sad is how many South Dakotans don’t realized how betrayed we are by our elected officials.

  2. l3wis on July 9, 2008 at 12:07 pm said:

    I thought they weren’t going to vote on FISA until tommorrow. What happened?

  3. They voted today and it has gone through. Here’s a link.
    BTW, Sen. McCain (who has missed more votes than anyone in Senate) was absent and didn’t vote. I guess the plus side is he can say: “My friends, I didn’t vote to gut the 4th amendment.” (Even though you know that is how he would have voted.)

    Meanwhile, here is one spot where my contributions for the election year are going:

    Any volunteering or funds that I would have put towards this election will go there and to help civil liberties. IF I can’t get better Democrats here, at least I can help other states. ANYONE that enables a felon and illegal acts — as our Senate majority did today — should be out of a job.

  4. l3wis on July 9, 2008 at 1:17 pm said:

    I see Johnson and Thune wiped their asses with the 4th Amendment today.

  5. It first took Pelosi’s House (Herseth-Sandlin voting aye to it) to then delivering it to them on a platter.

    One other spot that will get my donations is the ACLU. ACLU will challenge it after Bush smirks and dances around and signs it into law.

    ALL three of our SD elected officials are pardoning a felon in broad daylight. One that isn’t the least bit apologetic in being above the law — and they let him do it.

    Back in 1972/73 — even fellow Republicans recognized that Nixon should be impeached for illegal wiretapping of the Democratic Party. In 2008, both Democratic and Republican parties watch and pardon the Bush Admin. for illegally wiretapping the whole country. Unspeakable, spineless, lawless … and certainly not people that really meant their oath to honor and protect the Constitution.

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