
After reading this letter, I don’t know whether to comb my hair or shoot myself?

Human religion denies holiness and ignores the omnipotent, personal agency of the Holy Spirit. It is a poor, pale, sickly thing born of the union of the heart of the world with the head of Christian theology – a mongrel, bastard thing with a backslidden church for its mother and the world for its father.

Uh, okay.

This was my favorite comment to the story on the Gargoyle’s website;

“Goody! Another one who wants to cast the rest of us into the fires of hell. Just in time for Christmas!”

By l3wis

20 thoughts on “Give me some of that old time human religion”
  1. Why does the Argus continue to publish wackadoodle letters to the editor from these fucktards?
    All it does is make us look like a bunch of backwards redneck zealots to the rest of the world.

  2. I have a feeling this person downloaded the letter from the internets. That’s the AL’s editorial staff for you.

  3. The rest of the world doesn’t read the Argus Leader, and they have found from experience that printing this crap spurs the most discussion and flaming letters, which in turn forces people to read every day wondering what some fucktard will say the next time.

    Why do you think they keep printing letters from the same people all the time? I remember the Editorial page bragging about how they were instituting a policy of only printing one letter per person, per year and how they were going to start verifying identities to prevent one person from publishing letters under multiple names.

    I don’t recall nearly the fanfare when they ignored that policy and started printing hate filled and/or grossly innacurate letters from idiots like Robin Kip Speckels, Lowell K. Hubbs, or Christopher Fisher every other week.

  4. Their policy is one letter per month per author. But they do reject letters. The last two I have sent them never got a verification of any kind. I guess I am blackballed from the editorial page. Oh well, more people read my blog everyday then their lousy rag. But they still haven’t figured out my comment handle, so I occassionally show up on the left hand side of the page.

  5. “Why does the Argus continue to publish wackadoodle letters to the editor from these fucktards?”

    They don’t know the meaning of, “edit”.

  6. Costner, you should send that link to the Voices Editor, I think it is Patrick Lalley or Yvonne Hawkins

  7. I doubt they really care. If they aren’t smart enough to do a google search on questionable content that clear appears to be copied, they likely don’t want someone telling them about it.

    Frankly the more controversial the letter is, the greater the chance of publication. This is exactly the type of thing they look for on a daily basis.

  8. I also see a lot of letters published that are well over the 200 word limit. I have quit writing letters because a lot of them were rejected for being too long.

  9. your comment handle l3wis, it’s tommietheweasel isn’t it. I knew it you ol’ SOB, I can’t believe the Anus leader puts up those retarded writings.

  10. I hate to admit I still take the Argus. It was the best way to catch up on local news. I could never figure out where KELOland was and they seemed to only cover their special interest topics. These days, I glance at the comics, horiscope, and commodities prices. Web sites (including this one) have become more resourceful. There’s demand for either a focused unbiased geographic TV channel or a recognized web link (ie. SiouxFallsLocal.com). My last Argus subscription is this one.

  11. THEEFS!!!


    And no, it’s not me either. It’s somebody’s pet bot.

  12. I have to admit I lied! Vaccinations are very bad for kids, and cause neurological damage, as well as autism. Vacinations are pure poison. http://www.novaccine.com/vaccine-ingredients/

    Dr. Moulden is actually right, and I have been telling lies about that all along. I can not refute the magnatude of all that information. http://www.tolerancelost.com

    Modern medicine is doing far more harm than good, and I just can not lie about that any more. We never had any science to back our false claims, and the whole thing was a nightmare of a lie. I have been posting everywhere I can on any blog out there and repeatedly lying about whats there. I was so desperate to silence all the truth.


  13. Actually Lowell Kevin Hubbs wrote the previous comment because he is an Internet Troll who likes to post under other people’s names.

    What a douchebag. I guess he is just tired of getting owned on the Argus forums for his lack of scientific information, so he felt the need to troll over here.

    What else do you expect from a guy who is a known felon and who believes that cancer can be cured with baking soda? This is the same guy who isn’t convinced the US ever landed on the moon or not… so clearly he is not exactly playing with a full deck.

  14. It sure is hypocritical of you to claim you have all the science when it can be proven that pharma, the FDA and the CDC are as corrupt as any organized mafia in the world, if not moreso. They contol all information; even though you are to sheeple arrogant to admit it. Modern Medicine is a leading cause of death, no matter how much you want to deny it.

    Every time I have asked for your science and your studies Costner you have either failed to produce any or in the rare opportunity that you put some of that so called science up for analysis, it was shot down like a jumbo jet that the wings just fell off of. Yet go go on in your delusion state believing and spouting the same false claims you have before, like some broken record from the 60’s that just won’t stop playing even after you unplugged the cord! You are nothing but a lier and a deciever, that beleives the public has no right to alternative health care information, because you know it is just to damaging to the system that for some reason you have an unknown motivation to protect. In review of all the false and biased misleading crap I have seen you post in the Voices section, you are obviously a very dishonest and evil person, to say the least. You do the devils work every chance you get.

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