Post navigation South DaCola’s classic toon of the day • December 17, 2007 More secret contract negotiations from the Munson administration. What a bunch of turkeys.
I say we capitalize on this trend and open one of these out in Tea:
Tea advertising slogans: ‘TEA, want sugar?’ ‘TEA, pleasure and price’ ‘TEA, teeny orders accepted’ ‘TEA & A with metro delivery’ Or maybe Sioux Falls: ‘A GOOD THING’ went, what’s ‘NEXT’?
I don’t think Tea has any 3 story buildings. Your toon is rendered invalid due to this oversight.
I say we capitalize on this trend and open one of these out in Tea:
Tea advertising slogans:
‘TEA, want sugar?’
‘TEA, pleasure and price’
‘TEA, teeny orders accepted’
‘TEA & A with metro delivery’
Or maybe Sioux Falls:
‘A GOOD THING’ went, what’s ‘NEXT’?
Is the sex offender church the one with the male ‘plus’ sign on top?
AG – STFU, BTW, have a nice Thanksgiving.