Last night I overheard that Mike Rounds has been filming commercials with a major ad agency here in Sioux Falls. Maybe that is why he can’t help Pam Nelson out at the courthouse? What I’m curious about is what for? Promoting John McCain? Chris Lien? Dykstra or other Republican state legislators? I find it interesting that a man that is NOT running for office would be filming political commercials. And who is paying the tab? The SD GOP? The Governor’s Club? Mike Rounds? (hardy-har-har). And furthermore who would want the crook’s endorsement?

If anybody knows the skinny, cough, pat powers, cough, let me know.

2 Thoughts on “Mr. Commercial, Mike Rounds

  1. He may be in an ad as governor. I’ve seen him in public service announcements for the Red Cross and longterm care insurance, as well as tourism ads. That seems most likely.

  2. l3wis on July 17, 2008 at 8:09 am said:

    I thought that to, but from what I overheard he was paying for it himself, so I am curious as to what that would be? I also found it funny that you mentioned the longterm care insurance PSA, I did a toon about that, I found it interesting that he diguised that commercial as a PSA when the company (he still is a partner in) just happens to sell supplemental long term care insurance. Anything to make a buck.

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