6 Thoughts on “TheRepublicanSong.com

  1. l3wis on July 16, 2008 at 12:30 pm said:

    You mean Democrats were flying the planes NOT Saudis? I knew it wasn’t a Zionist conspiracy.

  2. hosenpheffer on July 16, 2008 at 1:20 pm said:

    nothin’ like a fat hick in a flag shirt makes me want to vote republican!

    maybe toby keith will record that song and make that old guy rich.

  3. l3wis on July 16, 2008 at 1:37 pm said:

    I like the fake electronic keyboard saxophone.

  4. l3wis on July 16, 2008 at 1:38 pm said:

    And the guitarist’s picking hand looks like it has been through a wood chipper.

  5. Never mind that it’s GWB’s occupation of Iraq that has us in debt to the TRILLIONS.

    Never mind that as one gazes upon the waving flag, the Admin. has taken the Constitution and GUTTED it.

    Never mind that the Anthrax mailed out to the MSM and to Democratic Senators was Govt. grade and most likely a strong-armed message from our own Govt. to play along or watch out.

    BTW — thanks to Todd’s Blog, I can get that horrid video and content out of my head by going to go see the Bush Legacy Bus. Right outside of Sen. Thune’s office. Ain’t life grand??? 🙂

  6. Sammy Pwah on November 5, 2008 at 6:43 pm said:

    Maybe I’m a little fucked up, but wasn’t there a Republican in office when the towers fell? What a bunch of shit you’re spewing. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore because OBAMA WON!!! Hello to some much needed change and progress and goodbye forever to Bushy the Chimp, Lucifer Cheney, John McCan’t, Sarah Failin’ and Joe the Cunt whose free ride on the McCain Express to nowhere is over, baby!

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