As a past supporter of JazzFest this story Irks me a bit. Sure, there are some things about JazzFest and Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues that are not perfect. But what most people don’t realize is the city’s largest FREE event is put together by only three full-time paid staff and countless volunteers. (I don’t count LifeLight, because it is in a cornfield, they don’t sell beer and they fudge the numbers). Also, the $32,000 the city claims they give towards it in services from the PD and Parks and Rec is recouped in tax revenue over JF weekend probably ten times over. What is so astonishing is that they continue to fund organizations like the Horse Barn and the Pavilion, which continually operate in the hole, have no accountability and become a larger burden on taxpayers every year, but an event like JF that is wildly successful for the city is punished for that success. I seriously believe the Dumbnamic Duo of Dave and De have lost their freaking marbles to suggest these cuts in the 2009 budget. They are cutting a penny here and nickel there so they can throw millions at organizations that continue to be very unsuccessful. But this shouldn’t surprise anyone. This mayor hasn’t held himself accountable for any of his mistakes, so why should he expect the organizations that he throws money at to be accountable to, it would go against his leadership style.

By l3wis