Ever since I watched the KCPO show THE FACTS on Sunday, I have been become fascinated by the BS that is being spewed from the anti-choice side. It may be a bit unbelievable what they say on TV and radio, but you should go to this site and read the comments, like this one from Licensed Chiropractor (NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR) Allen Unruh. Who continues to claim his 1970 chiropractor degree (38 years ago) qualifies him to be an expert on gynecology, obstetrics and abortion.

Comments from the Voices Carry Blog:

July 22, 2008
Dr. Allen Unruh @ 8:16 am

I’m a doctor. If I had to submit a disclosure of major complications such as
PP abortionists = I’d say, “I’m not going to SD.” Any woman who has thoughts
of Suicide could say I didn’t explain it to her thoroughly. They face
criminal charges, wrongful death lawsuits, civil charges, loss of their
medical license, prison terms of no less than two years, and possible
malpractice charges. Is it worth it for $600.00 for an abortion? All it
takes is one person to sue. I predict PP will be closed and it’s condom
week. But what good does it do to hand out condoms if you can’t do
abortions? PP’s slogan has always been, “Show me the money.” When that’s
gone, so are they. South Dakota has driven the first nail in the coffin of
PP = the baby killers of America. Now is the time for all people of SD to
donate to the voteyesforlife.ccom campaign. We must not relent even for a
minute. The only reason PP can’t see the writing on the wall is because
their back is up against the wall. Dr. Allen Unruh

It’s a FREE country, Mr. Unruh can say whatever he wants to about abortion, but stop misleading people and telling them you are a doctor, you are a back cracker. I think a candy striper is more qualified to deliver a baby then you are. Once you get a medical license or a PHD then we can call you a doctor. Do you understand that?


By l3wis

11 thoughts on “MARCH OF THE CHARLATANS”
  1. To use your line, “It’s a free country” – I too can say whatever I want about abortion. A church’s 501c3 status does don’t prohibit me from talking about ballot issues – gambling, marriage, life. Until 1954 (the Johnson Amendment) – which I aim to challenge this fall – candidates were even fair game. Other “non-profits” like Planned Parenthood, Labor unions and the like can talk about candidates, but in 1954, Johnson tried to silence certain political foes and the Johnson Amendment became law. So today the IRS intimidates churches. I hope you will report me. Because I and the Alliance Defense Fund are prepared to immediately respond with a federal lawsuit against the IRS seeking the overturning of the Johnson Amendment. It’s unconstitutional, and amazingly it’s never been challenged. But I’m happy to do it. Your savior Obama is in churches every weekend. Why don’t you go after him too?

    You need to learn more about some of this before you try to convince others I have no first amendment rights. The issue of the separation of church and state is fully irrelevant. In fact, the govt. is people right? And everyone, even an atheist comes at life though a “religious” (albeit secular/without god) world view. So, WE are each the “government” and “religious” simultaneously and the two are inseparable. The only question then is whose religious world view wins out. You should read more of what I write and you will learn you are wrong about me wanting any form of a theocracy. I’m fully committed to democracy. It’s just that you guys aren’t. You guys want to eliminate the participation of those you disagree with. Blessings on your day.

  2. The First Amendment doesn’t give Allen Unruh the right to lie about being a doctor.

    And I’m also glad that you admit to being a theocrat, but I already knew that.

    You better check your history books, our greatest founding fathers (Hamilton, Jefferson, Franklin and Washington were all secularists) they based the constitution on morality and freedom not on a religious book.

  3. Does an aborted fetus go to heaven if it hasn’t been baptised properly? Maybe the Rev and his sheep should staff clergy at PP to expedite their accension to paradise. Besides, fetuses are easier to pack into the corners in heaven, so the more room it will make for us fat stupid americans.

  4. Yeah you are right, our founders were “secularists.” That’s why the Bible is the most qouted Book in our founding documents- quoted 100x more than anything else and that’s why references to God are eched in marbel all around our Capital city. You are a revisionist when it comes to history. And, I’m done interacting with you.Charlatan and these other names you call me reveal more about you than me and readers know it. I’ve stooped to that level before myself and learned it’s not necessary unless one’s ideas are weak and that’s the only “substantive” thing they can bring to the table.

  5. Well at least you never stooped to the level of shooting lawnmowers when your drunk, just agreeing with the practice:


    BTW, I think you are the revisionist. Believe what you want about our founding fathers, everybody knows that the vote yes campaign was built on lies and deception, and I’m glad you are continuing the tradition this time around, hopefully the results will be the same.

    I would have respect for your movement if you guys used the truth and factual scientific evidence once in while, but I guess once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite.

    I need to go pray . . . for you.

  6. Pastor Steve – please don’t go away – we other men need good men like you leading our women’s baby-making medical issues – PLEASE stay blogging on this site – this is the only site my Uncle Rusty lets me read – My Aunt Bertha says that my neice Nellie needs you and more good men like you and Dr. Unruggh.

    Sincerely, EggBert

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