Clint & Sen. John Thune (S.D.)

Hey, look, I found another white redneck at the Republican National Convention

Gotta love John’s persistant hypocrisy;

Thune tried to attach his proposal to a bill that would increase by $1.9 trillion the amount of debt the government can float, to a record $14.3 trillion. Senators voted 53-45 in favor of the Thune plan, but it fell short of the 60 votes required to pass it.

The proposal would have applied about $320 billion from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, toward the debt. Congress created the $700 billion program in 2008 at the behest of President Bush to stabilize financial institutions in the face of a deepening recession.

You mean the debt you and the Bushites created by entangling us into two worthless wars while giving tax cuts to the rich? Is that the DEBT you are referring to? Don’t you have better things to do with your time John? Like attending a Bible study at the ‘C’ Street house or something?

16 Thoughts on “Ironic Johnny trying to end something he originally voted for?

  1. Randall on January 22, 2010 at 8:23 am said:

    Since when does it take 60 votes to pass legislation in the Senate?

    Seriously – I thought it took a simple majority to pass a bill in the Senate. Please explain… because, as I remember it from high-school civics:

    the Senate moves to vote

    the minority party threatens a filibuster (which requires at least 41 senators to sign on to)

    the majority leader raises a point of order which requires a cloture vote at this time (which only takes a simple majority of those Senators that are present to succeed, but first…)

    The presiding officer, the VP, sustains the point of order

    a minority Senator appeals the decision

    a majority Senator moves to table the appeal

    the vote to table the appeal is procedural and can’t be filibustered AND only requires a simple majority of 50 +1 (or a simple majority of those present at the time

    (Assuming the motion to filibuster is defeated*) the debate is ended and the (full) Senate votes on the bill. This vote only requires a simple majority.

    The filibuster has been bypassed.

    So it seems to me that the Democratic Senators are simply wussies – and they fold at even the threat of a filibuster from the big, bad Republicans.


    * the motion to filibuster is NOT defeated

    The minority party has to continue to talk, without stopping, sometimes for days and days – and the whole world gets to watch on CSPAN.

    In other words, the minority party is seen as being obstructionist.

    big deal.


    One more thing: there is nothing in the Constitution about a filibuster: it is simply a part of the Senate rules and can be changed by the majority party.

    So… what am I missing?

  2. Randall on January 22, 2010 at 8:25 am said:

    Dang… I wish we could edit these comments:

    above, where I say “the Senate moves to vote”

    should be:

    “the Senate moves to vote ON A BILL”

    …sorry bout that

  3. Anthony on January 22, 2010 at 12:53 pm said:

    I’m pretty sure you are wrong there Randall.

    Pretty sure that you are 100% wrong.

    They cannot move to vote on the bill until debate has completed…which requires the cloture vote.

    per Rule.Senate.Gov:

    The majority required to invoke cloture is three-fifths of the Senators duly chosen
    and sworn, or 60 votes if there are no vacancies in the Senate’s membership.
    However, invoking cloture on a measure or motion to amend the Senate’s rules
    requires the votes of two-thirds of the Senators present and voting, or 67 votes if
    all 100 Senators vote.

  4. Anthony is right. Some stuff requires 60%.

  5. Randall on January 22, 2010 at 4:26 pm said:

    OK, thank you.

    Like I said: it’s been a long time since I took high-school civics. And it just seems to me that an awful lot of laws have gotten passed in the last half-century without either party having a 60-vote majority.

  6. Randall on January 22, 2010 at 4:37 pm said:

    97th congress (81-83)
    Democrats : 46
    Republicans : 53
    Independets : 1

    98th congress (83-85)
    Democrats : 46
    Republicans : 54

    99th congress (85-87)
    Democrats : 47
    Republicans : 53

    100th congress (87-89)
    Democrats : 55
    Republicans : 45

    101st congress (89-91)
    Democrats : 55
    Republicans : 45

    102nd congress (91-93)
    Democrats : 56
    Republicans : 44

    etc. etc.

    57-43, 52-48, 45-55, 50-50, 50-49-1, etc, etc.

    Why, all of a sudden, can Democrats get nothing done because they don’t have a 60-vote supermajority?

  7. Interloper on January 22, 2010 at 4:39 pm said:

    Just like the Messiah escalating something he railed against (Afghanistan) and a tax on middle America though Cadillac health plans (for which he excoriated McCain for proposing the same thing).

    Hey, sometimes people see the light.

    And attending a C-street prayer group is far preferable to attending the church of a racist ranting wackjob of a “paster” for 20 YEARS.

  8. Interloper on January 22, 2010 at 4:42 pm said:

    SORRY, pastOr. LOL
    But come to think of it, though…paster might be appropriate…

  9. Costner on January 22, 2010 at 9:15 pm said:

    Reference to a creative label/insult for Obama (“Messiah”)? Check.

    Somehow turning a topic about John Thune into a Obama bitch session? Check.

    Using logical fallacies to shift the subject matter to anything but the original post? Check.

    Standard right-wing “bu bu bu Obama…” retort? Check.

    Looks like Interloper has been reading his right-wing playbook like a good little foot soldier.

  10. TARP hypocrisy, that is what the post was about.

  11. Interloper on January 23, 2010 at 4:42 pm said:

    Costner: You say: “Somehow turning a topic about John Thune into a Obama bitch session? Check.”

    Yep. Guess what. Folks like me learned from you libs after 8 years of It’s All Bush’s Fault. And everytime Obama does something stupid, you libs say: “But Bush did it…”

    Just following your lead, pal.

  12. Interloper on January 23, 2010 at 4:45 pm said:

    And actually, my comments about Obama are relevant since the original post is about a politician who is now against something he voted for…ya know, changing’ his mind.

  13. Costner on January 23, 2010 at 8:06 pm said:

    Inbreeder: Yep. Guess what. Folks like me learned from you libs after 8 years of It’s All Bush’s Fault. And everytime Obama does something stupid, you libs say: “But Bush did it…”

    Just following your lead, pal.

    Sorry, but you are going to have to quote me on where I have done that – because I’ve called people out for doing it from the other side of the fence too. Best of luck.

    Nice to see the old right wing fallback plan of “if you can’t argue a legitimate point, just try to insult them by calling them a liberal” is still in play though.

  14. I’m still trying to figure out how liberal became a dirty word.

  15. Costner on January 24, 2010 at 4:08 pm said:

    You’ll have to ask Karl Rove about that one. Once he decided it was a bad thing, his faithful followers opted to follow suit, and thus in the mind of those on the far right… it is one step below calling someone a child molester.

  16. Ghost of Dude on January 25, 2010 at 11:28 am said:

    Just once it would be nice if they could find a republican at one of these conventions who wasn’t a complete dork.

    And for the love of God, if they start attempting to dance, don’t put it on TV.

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