
I found this quote interesting;

“My stepdad Earl told me once, ‘Mike, be sure to leave things better than the way you found them,” an emotional Huether said.

So I ask the question, Mike, did you lever Premier Bankcard better then the way you found it? My guess is, you probably did. If there is one thing I agree with you is that you have been a very successful business man. But I also have to ask this question; when the new Federal laws kick in this summer and the possibility of FP tanking and laying people off, will you step up the plate and admit some of FP’s business practices were probably not so wise and modeled around taking a bunch of money in quick instead looking at the long term and building trustworthy client relationships. When you become mayor, the public must trust you. I’m just saying. If you are going to use your business experience resume as a reason to hire you as a mayor, don’t we have a right to question what you did as a business man?

Like I have told several people, Mike is my second choice for mayor, but he needs to come clean on what his role at FP was when it came to the practice of fee harvesting. This is not something he wants rearing it’s head on April 10.

8 Thoughts on “Huether officially announces, then has an omelet

  1. How long ago did Mike leave FP? Also is T Denny giving him money for the campaign? Does T Denny support any Democrat?

  2. Costner on January 27, 2010 at 1:14 pm said:

    On a sidenote, I don’t think FP is going to be hurting due to the CARD ACT. They have plenty of ways to skirt the rules and invent new fees. The only thing that bill did was make some people feel better about themselves, but I’d bet there won’t be any significant changes.

    Oh sure, now FP has to send out a notice telling people they are adding this fee or that fee, but just like the requirement to send out a privacy policy yearly – 90% of the customers toss them right in the trash.

    Truth be told, FP will probably continue to grow the longer our economy stumbles. They are probably one of the few industries that thrive in this economic climate.

  3. Mike quit shortly after filing his papers to run for mayor, which was probably a good idea. I doubt he has gotten money from Denny. In fact I couldn’t find any Sanford donations to anyone. I did however see that Dykehouse and Krabbenhoft did donate to Costello. I don’t think Denny has a dog in the fight and could care less. Like you said, Mike is a Democrat, of course party affiliation doesn’t mean two shits in the mayoral race. I may be completely wrong, some people may find Mike’s association with FP a very positive thing. Besides, I say a lot of stupid shit.

  4. I thought Mike quit at FP more than 2 years ago? Which beggs the question who could afford to run for Mayor without a paycheck for 2 yrs?

  5. Not according to him, he was still working there after he had already decided to run.

  6. John just to verify….he worked up to the last minute so don’t worry…he couldn’t run without a paycheck..I am thinkin he has less campaign money than the rest…just my guess. And if you have questions for him why not go to meet with him face to face on Saturday AM and chat with him..he has invited all. And I think you will like what you learn..then you can make a vote on face value not with what you hear. Cuz Politics suck..and so much of it is slander…along the way….shake his hand and then try it with your other choice and see who is real…Good luck

  7. I stand corrected … the latest report states Mike’s campaign has raised the 2nd most….
    So good for them…and looks as if he has some strong backing…..

    And as far as the backing of Denny I would have to agree with Lewis..he is not going to give anything to a Democrat…even if he (Mike) did help him make his money…it’s not Denny’s way to give … even when he’s gotten plenty in return. No fact just assumption

  8. Tina- don’t get me wrong, I like Mike, I just believe he needs to come clean on his employment with FP and what his role was in the operation. And BTW, I don’t think politics suck, some politicians suck. As for your slander statement, it is only slander if the candidates can prove otherwise. I have been very clear on this site about Mike. He worked for FP, FACT. FP has been involved with FEE Harvesting, FACT. I have given any candidate ample opportunities to defend themselves, but I have been very clear about that defense, it can’t be over the telephone or over an omelet at the Whisk & Chop. You wanna defend your stances, you can do it in writing and I will post it here.

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