By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Slap on the wrist, give me a break!”
  1. Is it too much to ask Hajek and Tweet to follow the law?

    Hajek said it isn’t fun anymore- she shouldn’t wait for 2010 to retire.

  2. Though I am against term limits, I think this current incident and the catfight she had with Pam Nelson while the cameras were rolling at the courthouse shows that she needs to be termed out and she can take Kolbe and Tweety bird with her.

  3. I wonder what other City Councils in South Dakota do things like this, or County Commissioners for that matter..

  4. It happens a lot. But usually they are smart enough to limit the quorum. I heard a rumor that De and Dave have been having one on one private meetings with the other councilors. I assume trying to butter them up to his CIP-Pee and to vote to raise the retail tax and guess who hasn’t been invited to these tea parties? Dr. No Kermit Staggers, gee, I wonder why?

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