Yeah, like conservative Republicans don’t do coke. LMAO! They are the only ones that can afford it.


By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Straight up their noses”
  1. You mean like “conservative Republican” Pat O’Brien who was at one time considered to be a future Democratic candidate in South Dakota?

    Linking Glenn Beck to Jason Matera is a stretch by Media Matters. The former is a libertarian and the latter is a social con. Not at all the same thing.

    With that said, using social conservatism as a political tool is foolish. It sets you up to inevitably be proven a hypocrite.

    The examples on both sides of the aisle are too many to list. Moral hypocrisy exists in both parties.

  2. “Moral hypocrisy exists in both parties.”

    Can’t disagree there – especially when it comes to moral issues pertaining to adultery. The only difference is Democrats are typically caught cheating on their wives with young women while Republicans are typically caught cheating on their wives with young men.


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