By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Retro doll; South Dakota’s very own Mamie Van Doren”
  1. When I was a teen ager(many many years ago), one of my aunts told me that one of her son-in-laws was related to Mamie Van Doren, and if course I didn’t start looking for proof until everybody that would know is gone. It would be an interesting fact to add to my family’s genealogy, that I have been working on for about 19 years.

  2. Just goes to show, even back in the day SD produced it’s share of hot babes.

    BTW, suck big donkey arse. We had our own SDCola trifecta at the unplugged 1/2 of Cracker show with the Dude & Charles Luden and you were nowhere in sight.

  3. Don’t get me started. I asked to be cut early at work and it fell on deaf ears even though we were deader then a doornail. I guess if I would have said I had a sick kid or a close relative in the hospital I would have been let go early. Us bohemians are always discriminated at work because we choose not to procreate.

    Was it a good show?

  4. It was as Dude says, but we could’ve squeezed in one more hipster doofus.

    Proof positive of what Scott says, this town is starving for good, relevant live shows and we need another venue or two to help that along.

  5. Enough that there was almost no standing room left and the barmaids had to push through the crowd to serve people.

  6. Proof positive of what Scott says, this town is starving for good, relevant live shows and we need another venue or two to help that along.

    Sy. I think you might just be taking what Scott said out of context a wee bit. Scott was talking about places like Latitude 44 hosting acts that are perfect for this town. Acts like Cracker at Latitude 44. What you’re talking about would be a 10/12/15,000 seat EC across the street from Latitude 44. Different animal. And if the city cannot keep us out of the red, you will be TALKING about an EC for a long, long, long time.


  7. Enough that there was almost no standing room left and the barmaids had to push through the crowd to serve people.

    I’m sure Latitude 44 has a maximum occupany posted somewhere on site. Would you happen to know what that occupancy is? If barmaids had to push thru the crowd to serve people, odds are they were a wee bit over that limit. Fire departments set occupancy standards for bars and restaurants for a reason.

  8. Poly,

    I was referring to the local music “scene” and adding a couple of Pomp room sized places would certainly nuture what scene we do have.

    As for the EC, well I obviously think we need that too. You build it downtown and you’ll see not only a few more places like Lat 44 come in behind it, you’ll see new shops, hotels, restaurants, apartments, condos etc. This isn’t speculation, it happens every time a City is bold enough to do it.

  9. Packed? The Latitude 44 feels packed when there are more than 20 people in there…so that isn’t surprising. Based upon the size of the place, the 44 in their name might actually be the maximum occupany.

    Surely I jest, but I would be surprised if you could fit more than 100 to 150 people in there, and if you did it would be uncomfortable.

  10. Sy: As for the EC, well I obviously think we need that too. You build it downtown and you’ll see not only a few more places like Lat 44 come in behind it, you’ll see new shops, hotels, restaurants, apartments, condos etc. This isn’t speculation, it happens every time a City is bold enough to do it.

    So the fact that we can’t manage to get all of that magical development anywhere near the Arena is only because it isn’t downtown then?

    I mean how many different resturaunts have came and went from the old Happy Chef and that bar next door is now a friggin’ bus depot because even with several different owners they couldn’t turn a profit. The hotel behind them has been bought and sold and renamed more times than I can remember (and is still a dive) and aside from the Sheraton and the Ramada there aren’t really any “nice” places around there (I’m being generous with my usage of the term nice).

    Considering how many decades we have had the Arena and the surrounding area is still vastly undeveloped with so much potential… why should we believe that we will see this massive development downtown if they choose that site?

    Don’t get me wrong – I know a certain amount of development is a given – but I don’t feel we will see half a dozen clubs, four or five new resturaunts, and two or three new motels spring up there because the number of events expected to be held at the new EC wouldn’t sustain that level of growth. I need not remind people that people don’t rent hotel rooms very often to attend a Stampede or Storm game and unless we take a lesson from Sioux City and develop a skywalk network, people probably aren’t willing to walk all around downtown on a winter night where it is five degrees outside knowing their car is eight blocks in the other direction.

    I honestly would love to see downtown revitalized for the nightlife, and I think we could learn a lot from Sioux City considering what they have done with 4th street, but it seems the DTSF and downtown business owners always rain on the parade so I’m not even so sure they would allow that type of development to occur.

  11. Well Costner, between Uptown, Schoeneman’s, Sioux Steel, and First National Bank you are approaching $1 billion of new development that has been floated, most of which was proposed right behind the first TF recomendation. 3 of those projects centered around a multi-story hotel.

    Our downtown almost died with the pedestrian mall experiement. At that same time, most of the City growth pushed south. These days we are growing in all 4 directions. Like you, most people want to see a vibrant and growing downtown. Because if it goes to hell, you perpetuate the costly problem of urban sprawl as people flee.

    The Arena area has always been a clusterfuck, going back to it’s original use as an 1200 acre air base. It’s not pedestrian friendly to walk across 4 lanes, even if there was something worth walking to across the street. Unlike downtown, there never has been a retail component to the area. Despite that, nearly every hotel and restaurant around it has remodeled and updated since we built the CC in ’97. George’s became BW3, Homer’s became Nutty’s, both hotels as you mentioned. The stuff along the North end is still junky, but what do you expect when you are boxed in by industrial, instituitonal, military & the jail?

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