Once again the Anti-choicers are spreading BS. Apparently they didn’t learn anything from their lying last year. They claim SD Healthy Families stole Vote Yes’ color scheme. Really? As I recall last year, SD healthy families site was similiar colors to what it is this year, and Vote Yes’ was pink and teal. Who is copying who? Remember when the Alpha Center bought the old PP building by the mall? Or when Leslee Unruh told everyone she had to hire a bodyguard last year (but didn’t tell us it was to protect her from another pro-lifer, who was apparently crazier then her – didn’t think it was possible.) So remember folks, condoms are bad and if you need to get checked for cervical cancer, call a chiropractor.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Let the misleading ensue”
  1. the thought of alan unruh, with his creepy ‘purity’ smile, and a speculum any where near a vagina makes a little throw up settle in the back of my throat.

  2. it IS odd that they have the same color palette. i don’t know who copied who, but somebody was trying to make it confusing. doubt is was an honest mistake.


    “The Religious Right is Neither.”

  4. No, of course you don’t allow pingbacks, because then everyone would see that the Dakota Voice blog has proven you wrong. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the Vote Yes website was copied. It just goes to show who is really running a deceptive campaign, doesn’t it?

  5. Did you read my post? The SD Healthy Families website has ALWAYS been orange and teal. VOTE Yes’ site was Pink and Teal last year. It seems they changed THEIR colors this year to match SD Healthy Families. Are you dumb or sometin’?

  6. You seem to be color-blind. Look at the old Unhealthy Families website. There was NO orange in it, and the blue was NOT teal. Dakota Voice has it right, and you just can’t admit it.

  7. It was blue and orange instead of teal and orange, who cares? I think there is a major difference between PINK and ORANGE. Don’t you? Why did vote yes change their colors this year? I think is the bigger question. I think the normal Joe would not notice, and when it comes to the issue of pro-life/pro-choice most people’s minds are made up, it does not really matter what color you paint the issue. People know how they are going to vote.

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