I will be doing a series on South DaCola of ‘who not to vote for’ before I do my endorsements. Vernon gets the first spot.

As Greggo ‘Council Seat handed to him on Silver Platter’ Jamison told a friend the other day, ‘Stop being negative.’ Well Greggo, honesty is not negative, not telling the truth to citizens is very negative. Makes a city councilor like yourself long for a washer and dryer in every bedroom, oh that’s right, you already have that, and you can scramble eggs on your heated garage floor. And Vernon has not been honest with the public. While running against Stehly in the last election he told voters he planned to finish his full term as councilor and had no intentions to run for mayor ‘at that time.’ He also voted against a tax increase then changed his mind down the road and voted for that same tax increase. You know, the one that was ‘supposed’ to be a 50/50 agreement with the developers, but since that increase tax payers have put in over 16x more then the developers. You are either for or against tax increases, you can’t just flip-flop on an issue like that. Makes you wonder what other things he will flip-flop on as mayor.

Why is Mr. Butterflies not qualified besides the lack of honesty and reliability? Well, because he has zero experience to be mayor. ZERO! He was a reporter and a marketing person. Big deal. That means I am qualified to be mayor. While I will give credit to Vernon for his advocacy for the homeless and monkey crappers (he claims bilking the taxpayers to save the zoo as one of his ‘accomplishments’), it does not qualify him to be mayor, if anything, it qualifies him to be a city councilor at best . . . oh . . . wait . . . he already is. Keep being a city councilor Vernon, and some day you may get your former co-worker’s job as Chief of Staff.

Vernon is clearly not ready to be mayor.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Vernon Brown; Poor choice for Sioux Falls mayor”
  1. As Greggo ‘Council Seat handed to him on Silver Platter’ Jamison told a friend the other day, ‘Stop being negative.’ Well Greggo, honesty is not negative, not telling the truth to citizens is very negative. Makes a city councilor like yourself long for a washer and dryer in every bedroom, oh that’s right, you already have that, and you can scramble eggs on your heated garage floor. And Vernon has not been honest with the public.

    LMFAO. Damn…I’m glad I stumbled across your website a couple of years ago. Who the hell needs the Argus when every topic that is topical can be found right here. And as an added bonus, without the BS you gotta sift thru from the 10th & Minnesota rag. Spot on about Vernon. Sad part is…in my opinion, he stands head and shoulders above the three robber barons who are running.

    Can hardly wait for the rest of your series. Who’s in the on deck circle?

    Oh…and your shot at Greggo. Masterful. I’ve seen greggo go on and on about his “green” lifestyle, because he has discovered the recycling bin. People like greggo need to understand that their unneeded, massive energy consumption is bad for the planet.

  2. I’m just doing this series to compete with Costello’s Google war. I have to be honest, Vernon is better then the other guys, besides Staggers. Vernon is married to an amazingly intelligent person (Tami should be running for mayor). Tami and I went to HS together and her older brother was my brother’s best friend. Her parents are golden, and I always remember Tami’s father as one of the nicest people on earth. Vernon was very lucky to snag her.

  3. It’s not fair that you don’t give Brown more space. However, it must have been hard to come up with as much as you did. He’s just there, nothing distinctive. A fine mayor in good times but there are major issues (revenue and litigation) a new mayor must see to immediately after this election. One key credential is (per Poly43, above), he’s not one of the 3 robber barons.

    I’ll have much to say about Castillo when you do his modus operandus. If Peterson reminds everyone of Franken, Castillo sure looks like the dumb one from Abbott and Costello. Surely, you can come up with a political cartoon in this regard.

  4. After two terms of Munson’s “golly gee, I love this city” administration, somebody has to tell Vernon that the people aren’t going to vote for a copycat campaign. The general public is pretty fired up these days, and it’s not just because of potholes. People are finally beginning to see the arrogance of our city’s leaders, and all the warm and fuzzy KELO stories won’t change that perception.

  5. The city survey results kinda prove it to. 60% said city hall doesn’t listen to the citizens.

  6. KELOland, isn’t that where Dorothy landed on the witch and monkeys fly. It’s imaginary, but a good story and escape from reality. Besides, in Sioux Falls, our monkeys have their own crappers.

  7. l3wis, I don’t know if you caught it on last nights meeting but an elderly gentleman addressed an issue of parking on a particular street. This guy spoke for about 2-3 minutes, no paper or notes and the mayor did not even have the courtesy to look at him while he spoke. Complete lack of caring and just plain rude.

  8. That’s normal with Dave. He just stares down when someone is telling him something he doesn’t want to hear. I imagine him going ‘La, La, La.” in his head. He has gaveled me a few times and even had a PO intimidate me. I was hoping that they would have attempted to arrest me, because the city would have had the biggest ACLU case they have ever seen on their hands.

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