Yesterday at the SF City council informational meeting, SF Sculpture Walk dictator, Jim Clark, admitted that the city (taxpayers) give $25,000 yearly to SW (of course after Staggers asked him the question). And just out of curiosity I went to their website to see if that claim was repeated, and it was;

WOW! While Mr. Clark and I don’t see eye to eye, I am glad to see he is coming around. I have often said, give credit where credit is due, and it seems he finally gets it, kinda. Public art is just that, public. And when you shut out the public (after digging in their wallets) you are not encouraging people to give to the arts, it only makes them suspect, that is why public art has gotten such a bad rap. Tell the public what their money is being spent on, and they will support it, keep them in the dark, and they will not.

3 Thoughts on “SHOCKED! Sculpture Walk finally admits to taxpayer contributions

  1. Plaintiff Guy on March 9, 2010 at 4:05 pm said:

    I’ve enjoyed the sculpture walk. The amount and the benefit for citizens is in line and appreciated.

    I do not agree with Home Rule-Corrupt Mayor bid-rigging that’s caused a 330 million debt. Munson and Costello are the principles. Costello is robber baron most wanted. Sue me for defamation. I’ll subpoena your tax records and we’ll get down to business. He’ll get off but even if he plays pool in an exective prison country club for 2 years, that works.

  2. Plaintiff Guy on March 9, 2010 at 4:58 pm said:


    Top ten googled web sites that sound most like CostelloForMayor. Ways to divert hits to other sites where actual Costello is revealed and there are some good porn links.

    10. CastilloForMayor (buy my syster)
    9. Cost-u-leo For Mayor
    8. CholesterolForMayor (Burger stats and deaths)
    7. CholioForMayor (a killer disease)
    6. ClamidiaForMayor
    5. CostFromFraud For Mayor (330 million)
    4. CorruptelloForMayor

    Will save top 3 for l3wis bit here.

  3. l3wis on March 9, 2010 at 7:36 pm said:

    ClamidiaForMayor has a nice ring to it.

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