I like his daughter’s expression, I wonder if she thinking “Was I adopted?”

8 Thoughts on “Our President, Patriotic Genius

  1. and I just noticed, Is that Kissinger in the lower left hand corner? How appropriate.

  2. Johnny Roastbeef on August 14, 2008 at 6:29 am said:

    He’s drunk!

  3. His face is pretty red, too many TsingTao beers!

  4. It looked right to him.

  5. And with that statement Prozac you pretty much summed up his administration . . .

  6. Some Dude on August 14, 2008 at 3:49 pm said:

    Did anyone catch the video of him with the beach vollyball team? I bet it made Bill Clinton jealous.

  7. Those women have some nice poopers. I don’t think I could resist a good cheek squeeze.

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