All Kittens – All of the time?

Some of my South DaCola foot soldiers have told me I must be nicer as I emerge out of this break. I agree. As an independent I should really try to show both sides of the story. What does that mean? Well first off I will give equal dissent to both political sides. As a new mayor and council gets sworn in and as the June primaries quickly sneak up on us, I have come to the realization that I really don’t have a dog in the fight anymore. The guy I wanted as mayor, did not win, the four councilors that got elected I have no clue about and the Republicants that are running for US Congress don’t really turn my crank (though Noem does look pretty good in a pair of jeans and rodeo belt buckle). It’s time to start looking at all of these people equally, and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

What has happened to our political system in this country? Who f’ing knows. But I do know this, elections have turned into picking the lesser of the two evils, and that is really, really sad. The Sioux Falls mayoral election was proof of that. So I guess my job as a citizen advocate is to tell you who is less evil.

Don’t worry, there will still be some biting commentary and editorial toons. And I will still allow cussing and scantidally clad girls grace the pages of DaCola.

First Amendment rights and anti-censorship has always been the hallmark of this website and while this gets under the skin of politicians to that I say, Truth is the dagger that cuts egotistical politicians down to size. You are here to serve us, and if that hurts to much, please resign because we are the ones that feel the pain when you make bad decisions.

We have a constitutional right to call you out on your bullshit. Freedom is FREE, speak out.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “A gentler South DaCola? Well kinda.”
  1. OH MY…’s a change, right? Good for you…and this will be an interesting time…I’m sure as with all change…sliding back into the old ways will be easy…but I give you kudos for being aware of the need to be a bit less one sided..I would say well rounded but looking at myself..if I eat much more I think I’ll become square! Let the FUN begin!!

  2. Oh, I will still be snarky, I will just try to hand out more compliments. I think where Mike will be a good mayor is on social issues. I agree with his stance on the homeless and helping the less fortunate.

  3. In the immortal words of Chevy Chase in “Vacation” upon his realization that the family has had enough and wants to go back home:

    “I think you’re all fucked in the head!”

  4. Every other political blog in this state tries to be nice. People need a place where they can be honest and not get banned or have other posters look down their noses at them for saying naughty words and calling names.
    This blog fills a niche in the SD blogoshpere that no one else’s does.

  5. Nice………..geez….just remember there is no crying in politics, it ain’t beanbag ya know. So in the immortal words of Cher “snap out of it.”

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