Gotta hand it to Mike, he figured out something in 3 days that Munson couldn’t figure out in 8 years; Infrastructure upgrades should be the city’s top priority. Well, I never said he was a dummy (Mike that is) And Mike is keeping at least one campaign promise. Fix the damn streets already;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Back in February, mayoral candidate Mike Huether stood in front of the Chamber of Commerce building and said the city needs to do a better job of filling potholes.

Today, Mayor Mike Huether outlined details of a plan to reallocate $2 million to fix the problem.

It is estimated that the city is over $100 million behind on street repairs. So while $2 million will be a shot in the arm, it certainly won’t fix the problem. But I will give him credit for getting a jump on it. The 2011 budget will have to have a SIGNIFICANT amount of money going to road repairs. So sorry Zebras and Giraffes you will just have to wait another year for your new crappers.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Bravo to Mayor Huether (not so subprime today)”
  1. Good!
    But it really makes one wonder; what was the hold up with the Munson administration? Did street department folks really just have to be told to just do their job?!

  2. Oh, how I could go on and on about that, but I won’t. It is pretty simple, the 2nd penny wasn’t being spent on road maintenance. And if you think a couple of rain falls and a freezing in January turned our roads into shit you are smoking something. Our roads have been in bad shape for a long time.

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