After the council meeting last night I had the opportunity to look at a Koch Hazard’s newsletter. The NL is not available online unless you subscribe to it. But in it was Koch Hazard’s plan for DT. The $750,000 bridge was on the drawing. It is a fancy-smancy suspension bridge. Also what is interesting about the drawing is that the Tower of David and the other low-income apartments are missing (I am assuming that they want to tear them down in the name of progress) An event center also appears in the drawing. I encourage anyone who can get their hands on an electronic version of the NL to send it to me, I would love to post the ‘proposed’ development for DT. Funny how a private architect firm is creating there plans for DT, I guess citizens input doesn’t mean two shits, oh that’s right, you have 5 minutes for input only.

One Thought on “The $750,000 bridge to nowhere

  1. EggBert on August 21, 2008 at 5:46 pm said:

    You know what? Some day, that bridge could lead to your house, and then you will sincerely regret your opinion on this matter. After careful planning, and if the city elders continue to spend almost a million on pedestrian bridges to get over that stinky, icky river, then so be it. It’s better than falling into it and getting slimed – like my Niece Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Schwetty did the night after he got drunk while celebrating the fact that he had impregnated her. If you have better ideas (like IF) on how to spend the 3/4 of a million dollars, you should write it down on a piece of paper, put it in your mouth, chew it up real good, swallow it, wait a few days, read it again, and then flush…ya wiseguy!


    EggBert T.

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