I will have to hand it to the Pavilion on this one. While I was skeptical at first when Larry took over as interim president, I saw he was shaping up the finances rather quickly;

An effort that probably will erase a $300,000 deficit for the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science landed Larry Toll a new job.

The Pavilion announced Tuesday that Toll will become its president, six months after he was named interim president amid the departure of former president Gary Wood and what Pavilion leaders were calling a financial crisis.

Looks like the Pavilion didn’t need someone with an arts background after all, they needed someone who understands math.

4 Thoughts on “Finally, the Pavilion makes a smart move

  1. just me on May 27, 2010 at 5:40 am said:

    Great article! Now let’s move Toll to DC!

  2. Larry’s a competant guy and this is indeed a good step. Just about everything they will do moving forward will be measured by the bottom line and the focus will be getting butts in the seats.

    As long as we continue to have no viable Pomp Room replacement the opportunity for live rock shows will be there to exploit. The place could be in the black if they decide they can stand the Black Crowes, the Black Keys or Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

  3. You’re oh so correct, Sy. The Pavilion is the most under-utilized facility in the city, and could be the crown jewel as the concert industry is forced to move to smaller, more intimate shows.

  4. l3wis on May 27, 2010 at 8:12 pm said:

    Well when you name the joint after the woman who turned it into an elitist concert facility that it is I wouldn’t hold out much hope. Hopefully Toll sees the potential, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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