Well, we can all rest our sphincters now. The letter to Mr. Dykstra’s office was filled with baby powder. That’s awfully thoughtful seeing as how the candidate’s ass is a little chapped after the whole debate thing.

At least it give our local yokal newsies something to be hysterical about – besides the weather.

3 Thoughts on “Dykstra Not in Danger

  1. I wouldn’t doubt one of his SUPPORTERS acted alone to get him some press. Neocons have done crazier things in the past . . .

    BTW, welcome aboard Ghost

  2. Ghost of Dude on August 20, 2008 at 8:15 am said:

    I finally work in a place where I can fiddle with wordpress. Hopefully I’ll have enough free time to do some blogging for a while.

  3. Well, just enough to make PP nervous about his ranking at the War College is fine by me.

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