While I think wearing hoods in public (think KKK) is stupid (God knows what you look like) I totally disagree with this law. The French are silly sometimes. They live in an entirely socialist democracy with a foundation that is based on the rights of individuals, yet they are trying to tell people how to dress? One step closer to Communism?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “French parliament approves ban on Islamic veils”
  1. Socialist democracies are not based in a foundation of individual rights. They are based on mob rule. France is a great example of what you get with mob rule.

  2. It’s about a majority imposing it’s views on the minority. It doesn’t matter if it’s the left or right doing it.

    That’s what you get with a socialist democracy. That’s why we have a Constitutional Democracy, to protect the rights of the minority from the whims of the majority.

    While it often gets abused, it’s better than the alternatives.

  3. Also, if you read the story you linked to you must have read that the Socialists walked out and protested the vote. If you read a little further you would have read that they supported a ban, they just didn’t agree on some of the details in the bill.

    More than 80% of the French people supported the ban.

  4. I actually meant “Constitutional Republic” and not “Constitutional Democracy”. The US is not a democracy and was never intended to be.

  5. Mild compared to a muslim mosque at ground zero in New York city. However, then New York city would no longer be a target.

  6. It is no secret that the French have extreme racism and prejudice against Islam, maybe that is why 80% of them approve of the legislation.

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