10 Thoughts on “Strong leaders lead. They don’t cry.

  1. Buzz Evenrude on August 11, 2010 at 10:25 pm said:

    He is a bit of a Drama Queen. The part about the good people of Sioux Falls not using their toilets choking him up was simply over the top

  2. As Patrick Lalley said, “Getting emotional at these events seems to be a continuing theme.”

    But who do you think loves SF more? Mike or Dave?

  3. Poly43 on August 12, 2010 at 4:20 am said:

    Never in my wildest deams did I imagine someone at Stormland TV who would have more airtime than Jay Trobec. And the crying game? People are catching on.

  4. I would agree, but I still don’t blame Mike for this fiasco, Cotter on the other hand may be thinking, “Out damn spot!”

  5. Poly43 on August 12, 2010 at 4:53 am said:

    Speaking the Crying Game. I’ll NEVER forget the look on my wifes face at the end of that movie. Caught me completely off guard myself.

  6. I have a great story about seeing the film in the theatre, but I can’t say it here. Let’s just say when the wang came out, and the rest of the audience was “Oh!” I was laughing my ass off. Someone told me before I saw the film that there was a ‘surprise’ in the film, but they never told me what it was, so I was a little taken back. Still one of my favorite films of all time.

  7. Plaintiff Guy on August 12, 2010 at 7:53 am said:

    Huether’s downfall is he must only win. Losing (even by acts of God) causes him to lapse into a psychiatric fit.

    Last week he asked to limit water use, citizens used more. There’s no respect and there won’t be until city administration respects citizens.

    Sorry Mikey, you aren’t worth the 300K the 3 amigos developers paid to get you elected. There won’t be events center contracts steered their way. They’ll go broke and Sioux Falls can return to a free society by 2014.

  8. Randall on August 12, 2010 at 7:19 pm said:

    The Big Sewage River

  9. The Big Siouxer River flows through and over Siouxer Falls.

    It appears Mayor Mike is going all “Lady Gaga” on us.

  10. ‘It appears Mayor Mike is going all “Lady Gaga” on us.’


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