So will Huether pull a Harvey? Soon?

As a former city public official pointed out to me tonight, the sewer problems are not about water usage, sump pumps or the weather (well they are not helping).

What really happened was there was a blocked pipe and failed pump station.

Add up all the rain and citizens having the nerve to wash clothes and take showers, and what you have is a domino affect. This of course all goes back to Munson ignoring infrastructure and his two main men, Cooper and Cotter not doing anything about it. While I don’t blame Huether for the current fiasco, I do expect him to set the record straight.

So what is it Mike? Rain or blocked pipes? Sump pumps or a failed pump station? Or all of the above?

I think it is great you want to inform us, but please, tell us the rest of the story, Mike Harvey.

UPDATE: I hope to be speaking to an actual person involved with this lawsuit, that has to do with the infrastructure neglect. This quote from a lawyer in the lawsuit is priceless;

“It seems like, for a good period of the ’90s and virtually all the first decade of the 2000s, the city has been enamored with projects that are quality-of-life things, which are all wonderful and necessary, but they haven’t been taking care of the basic infrastructure of the city,”

8 Thoughts on “Is weather or negligence to blame for the ‘toilet apocalypse’ in SF?

  1. Plaintiff Guy on August 14, 2010 at 9:51 am said:

    Mike should be out there doing the ‘Whisk and Chop’ to shit coming over the falls. It’s going to take 2 of him. There’s bound to be many lawsuits from citys downstream.

    The city budget could be 100 million for litigation this year and next. Present count is 4 lawsuits. They should anticipate another dozen or so. The city attorney is busy trying to come up with constitutional ordinances so all litigation will be a major private attorneys expenditure.

    We desperately need an events center to treat plague victims here and from cities downstream. Maybe this disaster was ‘Page 2’ of Mikey’s grand events center plan.

    I’m looking forward to that final ‘Mike Harvey, Good Day’ in 2014. Our next mayor will get elected if he repeals Home Rule Charter and restores citizens’ quality of life.

  2. Also consider that citizens just won a lawsuit against the city for sewage backups in 2004. It’s not a good engineering feat when there is a single point of failure. A single blocked pipe shouldn’t be an issue if you design properly.

  3. But Munson loved this city sooooo much he didn’t bother to spend money on infrastructure.

  4. anominous on August 14, 2010 at 9:23 pm said:

    I heard the pipe got blocked by a snapping turdle.

  5. Let me guess, that is a turtle that eats turds?

  6. It’s amazing that some Roman aqueducts and roads remain in service while “modern” engineers can’t make a road or sewer last five years.

  7. Plaintiff Guy on August 15, 2010 at 6:40 pm said:

    ‘Modern engineer’ is not Cotter. He’s director of Public Works but unqualified Kevin Smith was the spokesman during Munson. Cotter showed up for work when Huether was elected but it’s become obvious the sewer system is at least 10 years obsolete.

    Kipling, Believe it or not:
    The clerk at public works uses a 15 year old IBM selectric typewriter (huh?). The wuring sound is a bad belt. He sits there wondering why it doesn’t type. It’s just across from the mayor’s office and funnier than monkey crap.

  8. anominous on August 16, 2010 at 8:46 am said:

    That clerk should get a Royal or a New Underwood #7. It would save on electricity.

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