Hi. I’m Don. Besides using Just for Men hair color, I chase very slow ambulances in my free time.

I read and watched this story, and wondered what it had to do with the price of rice in China. NOT A FUCKING THING. It’s not like either one of these guys ran a stop sign and killed an out-of-state biker. I speed! Daily! We all probably do it w/o realizing it. Speed limits are silly. Speed limits should be determined on how safe of a driver you are, that’s it. If this is the best thing you can come up with on these two yahoos, this is going to be a long road to November.


Oh, but it gets better, Noem is a little Jankolette. Like I said above, speeding is one of those silly crimes, it seems Noem thinks it is so silly, she doesn’t have to pay the fines;

Noem also has six court notices for failure to appear and two arrest warrants.

While I will stand by my original post, I will also say, if you are breaking the law you should at least show up in court to defend why you were breaking or NOT breaking the law, especially if you are running for office. This really is a no-brainer. Does Noem understand how the 5th amendment works? Those teabaggers really don’t get how the constitution works, do they?

Gotta hand it to Steffy, she grabbed this opportunity to make a point out of it;

“Elected officials need to have respect for the laws that are made for all of us as citizens. You need to be accountable and need to take responsibilities for your actions and set the highest standards,” Herseth Sandlin said.

So do we call Kristi ‘Little Janks’ Noem now?


And it looks like spin doctors one & two are at it again. Like normal Republicans, blaming everyone else for their problems. Hey guys, this isn’t about speeding or even gay sex in a Minneapolis Airport bathroom, who cares, wide stances aside. It is about not understanding the 5th Amendment. If Kristi thinks she is innocent, why not show up to court and prove the innocence? Or is Lil’ Janks farm subsidy welfare queen to good for that? Or was she late for her hair and tanning appointment? Or her Rodeo queen belt buckle polishing appointment? Or her cowboy boot polishing appointment? Or her Castlewood millionaire club appointment?

Or even better yet pay the fines? Why don’t you get your crack legal team on this one? While chasing down politicians speeding ticket records is pretty fucking pathetic, not understanding the 5th amendment is even more pathetic. This is the real story, and hopefully someone from the 4th estate will figure that out.


By l3wis

34 thoughts on “Is Stormland’s Don Jorgensen becoming the Queen of irrelevant news?”
  1. I was trying to figure this story out too. What does this have to do with ANYTHING!?!?? Is it like a janklow factor? “they were cought speeding this many times. Therefore the licklyhood of them killing someone is x%.”. Still better than KSFYou!!

  2. To those who are just drooling over this story, have you sped in the last few days of driving? I have, and I admit it. That I wasn’t picked up was only because there were no police out where I was driving. Seems to be a good line I heard once about people in glass houses shouldn’t throw bricks, or another that those without sin should cast the first stone. This is so ridiculous when there are so many real issues involved in this election. Is Stephanie afraid to face them and instead thinks a smear campaign of this sort will help her? I know she doesn’t want to anwer questions on issues from individuals, and she probably thinks redirecting the compass will help her. But it won’t, it only shows desperation.

  3. JM- I will agree with you on one point. I’m sure this story was ‘fed’ to KELO. Just like another good Democratic soldier fed the supposed junket story to KELO about Staggers. While I will agree speeding isn’t that big of a deal as long as you are a safe driver, I am a little worried about Noem’s disregard for paying her fines or showing up to court. Does she understand how the 5th amendment works. People make fun of Herseth for being a lawyer, but at least she understands that if you think you are being falsely accused you show up and defend yourself from your accusers. Noem doesn’t seem to get this simple concept. Why didn’t she just pay the fines? Seems she has a Janklow complex, heck even Janks paid his fines.

  4. Speed limits are silly. Speed limits should be determined on how safe of a driver you are, that’s it.

    I don’t think so Scott. Speed limits are posted for a reason. Safety being that reason. Physics plays a role in determining posted limits. Minnesota Avenue is posted at 30 mph yet many so-called driving “experts” dart around on that street all day long at 40 mph. Just because these Nascar rednecks like Noem are wearing driving gloves does not give them the god given right to drive a 4,000 pound projectile at 60 feet per second in traffic designed for a much slower pace. I suspect some of your near misses as a bicycle rider can be attributed to speed. It should not be taken lightly.

    As for your two links to the Noem spin bloggers. Their crack legal teams must have been burning the midnight oil last night. Maybe that’s what you were smellin with your windows open?

  5. And this is one of many reasons I am more excited about watching paint dry than I am about ANY of the candidates.

  6. Everyone speeds- so blah blah… But most educated people pay the fine or show up for court. Someone needs to remind her that being the Assistant Majority Leader in the SD House really isn’t that high of a position.

  7. I don’t really have an issue with someone getting a few speeding tickets, but when you don’t pay your fines and have arrest warrants out for you? That seems a tad more significant.

    Instead of the Noem camp trying to spin this to be about Herseth, maybe they should just admit they are wrong. We don’t need another student from the Janklow school of driving ignoring laws and pretending they don’t apply to elected officials.

    Was Noem just in that much of a hurry to get to her mailbox to open another government subsidy check or something? I mean 94mph? Wow.

  8. Yes, Costner is right: it’s the perception that she feels she’s above the law.

    If Noem doesn’t think speeding law apply to her – then what OTHER laws does she think she’s immune to?

    And Scott – IF someone were speeding though a neighborhood where YOUR children were playing – you’d realize that it IS a big deal.

    And by the way – I DON’T like Steffy.

  9. Wouldn’t you think after the first warrant Kristi would have figured out how it works so as to avoid the second warrant?

  10. Sure Noem thinks she’s above the law. She’s exhibiting a Janklowesque character flaw. Better we discover Noem’s proclivities to violate the law and blow off our judges BEFORE she does damage to the public trust.

    Evidently Noem’s behavior isn’t news to the gargoyle leader – they’ve sat on the story of a day and still have yet to publish or post anything.

  11. Probably time to ask the candidates if they’ve ever smoked a big fat spliff and/or ever had a wild night of humping the brains out of someone they barely know in the back seat of their parent’s car. You know, the critical issues to our State’s future.

  12. So whether our elected leaders are willing to follow the law and/or simply be hypocritical is not critical to our state’s future?

    I’ll pass that along to Randy Scott’s widow. I’m sure that will ease her pain.

    Or should we praise Noem for paying her fines and therefore contributing to the state’s general fund?

    Truth be told the speeding isn’t a big issue at all… but her response to it (and that of her supporters) is rather telling. Needless to say, Noem has just lost her right to profess she has any chance to change the tone in Washington nor can she claim she is any different than any other politician running for office. We aren’t exactly short of hypocrites in DC, but if we were Noem could apparently help fill the void.

  13. Speeding tickets and even blowing them off to a degree is one thing. Most of us have done that.

    Running a light and killing an innocent person is something altogether different, very few folks have done that.

    If you feel compelled to ignore that distinction than I’m sure Steffy’s handlers will thank you for that. Look forward to focusing on the next shiny object, just not while you’re driving.

  14. This was the dumbest thing run as “news” on any of the local yokel news stations in a long damn time.

  15. “Speeding tickets and even blowing them off to a degree is one thing. Most of us have done that.”

    Most of us may have been nabbed for speeding (except Poly… he always drives 5mph under the limit for sake of safety apparently), but I sincerely doubt many of us have blown them off or failed to appear in court MULTIPLE TIMES.

    I freely admit in my teens I was the recipient of a couple of speeding tickets, but I guarantee they were all paid within a few days of receiving them. I tend not to mess around when law enforcement is involved, and I surely wouldn’t want my name on a warrant. That isn’t just silly, it is downright ignorant.

    As to the shiny object you are referring to… would that be Noem’s oversized sterling silver rodeo belt buckle by chance?

  16. Speeding isn’t the issue. The issue is ignoring warrants and pretending like she didn’t do anything wrong.

    She isn’t acting like Janklow, he paid his fines. She is acting like Sandy Jerstad.

  17. “…I just feel disheartened we’re spending time talking about my poor driving record when we could be talking about the economy and jobs,” Noem said.

    Good one.

  18. This story comes with such a horrific back story considering a previous governor was caught speeding so many times, and probably many times he wasn’t caught, and he got by with it. No one reported all of his tickets they just gave him a free ride. And he got by with it so many times that he ultimately killed Randy Scott. And then he still tried to get by with it.
    I think this does make a difference, it is one thing to get a ticket and pay the fine, but to ignore them and have 6 court notices for failure to appear, that seems above the norm but not above the Noem. (and I have never had a speeding ticket)

  19. “Absolutely, when you enter a race like this you just know your life is going to be an open book especially with these public records like that too.”

    “All the fines and penalties have been paid and I’ll continue to make sure being diligent and recognizing the fact that this obviously isn’t something I’m proud of, something I need to improve,” Noem said.

    Kristi has some very Palin-esque sentence-trying-to-makeage going on right here.

  20. Anon, I agree with you. Her sentences are straight out of Sarah’s play book. I really wish they would talk in complete sentences.

  21. “this obviously isn’t something I’m proud of, something I need to improve,” Noem said.”

    does this mean she’s still speeding? she says she needs to improve, but doesn’t say she now follows the law, pays her fines, or shows up in court. maybe she’s talking about speed limits when she says we need government out of our lives, except for farm subsidies of course.

  22. The fact is, she didn’t pay her fines. Evidently she thought that since she was not one of the little people and that the fine would take care of itself. I dread getting a speeding ticket because of what it will do to my insurnace rates. When you receive nice farm subsidies, insurance increases because of speeding tickets are a non issue because of your nice income.

  23. When she is out tooling around at 94 mph are her kids with her? And I can’t imagine how much her insurance must cost.

  24. She and her husband have an insurance agency in my home town of Bryant. Too bad they couldn’t pick another town in Hamlin County for their business.

  25. Ran into a Castlewood native last night, who is a little older then Kristi. He pretty much verifies what I have thought all along, she is small town royalty that thinks she is better then everyone else, and apparently above the law.

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