7 Thoughts on “Go get em’ Gipper!

  1. Hammerhead on September 2, 2010 at 4:01 am said:

    Good cartoon, very fitting!

  2. They are really beginning to look like ass clowns.

  3. The general public is lazy. They want an easy answer to vote for or against someone. Sound bites. This isn’t the issue any more. Need to stick with Pelosi’s lap dog- or “He won’t debate!”

  4. Great cartoon. So true.

  5. Gee did a day go by without PP finding someone’s dem Granny with 6 speeding tickets, a seatbelt violation and blowing through a stop sign?

  6. Somehow, and I cannot for the life of me explain why, the whole episode reminds me of the Insane Clown Posse.

    Maybe it’s because that name is so cool, expresses and implies contradictions and hypocrisy.

  7. Helga – He did rip on Obama because he had to sweat a little the other day.

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