Word on the street (literally) is that Smith has been out today gathering up local business men to speak in favor of Huether’s EC funding proposal tonight at the council meeting and I say literally because I saw him about an hour ago in front of CNA talking to a man in a suit. A council insider tells me that many of the councilors are still undecided or not talking. Should be an interesting one to watch. Vernon Brown’s amendment proposal more then likely will pass (put off the appropriation for a little while longer). You also have to realize if there is a tie vote on the council, Huether breaks the tie. This is what I am hearing for votes;

Jamison (against funding)

Brown (against funding – right now)

Erpenbach (against funding – right now)

Entennmen (for funding)

Aguliar (for funding)

Anderson (wavering)

Rolfing (wavering)

Litz (wavering)

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “BREAKING: Darrin Smith out gathering the troops”
  1. I must admit some surprise here, I would expect Erpenbach to be for it and Anderson to be against it. Oh well we will find out soon enough!

  2. Vernon is doubtless looking for cover. Vote it up or down. Don’t use excuses be a man for once. I can respect him being against plan is bs.

  3. Jamison’s failed 6-2
    Brown’s failed 5-3

    The Budget with the 500K is passed. Here we go down the road to a 50 year mistake.

  4. They just want the EC so bad they can’t wait. It’s like eating really hot soup without blowing on it, then you wonder why you burnt your tongue.

  5. It sure would be nice if we had at least one media outlet that would do its job and not be a cheerleader. I had a discussion tonight with somebody involved in the hotel fee hike and I had to press hard to get them to stop talking in press release terms. I’m still waiting to hear how they got the figure of ten million in additional sales tax revenue that will come out of the $800,000 the fees will raise.

  6. Scott – I think that the only thing approved was the ‘intent’ to writing an ordinance to approve the hotel room tax increase.

    What amazes me is that government raises user fees and taxes without study or approval from the public, but when raising fees and taxes on private business they ask their opinion first and give them a seat at the table.

    What a BUNCH OF FUCKING BULLSHIT! If the tax is a good idea, raise it. I love how government uses kid gloves on business but uses sledgehammers on the public. We know who they work for.

  7. Ah ok. I attempted to read what they voted on but instead of just putting it up you have to download it as a word file. No office on this computer.

  8. Thus the problem with democracy. In many cases the popular way is merely the easy way… not the right way.

    Democracy is asking two wolves and a sheep to vote what they want for dinner. Does that really work? It might be fine if you are a wolf, but not so great if you’re the sheep.

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