I got this brochure in the mail today, I read it from top to bottom, but nowhere in the brochure does it mention what party Clarence is in. Well he use to be a REP now he is a DEM (I think) because of abortion?!?! But in his brochure he sez “bipartisan leader with conservative views.” Huh? Can any politician in this state just be honest with us?

I’m confused.

5 Thoughts on “Bush really is that radioactive, even in Minnehaha county.

  1. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2008 at 6:47 am said:

    I’ve had a few candidates stop by the Dude ranch this year. None of them mentioned party on their brochures. I think they were all democrats. Maybe that’s a bad thing to say in the Tuthill area – though that’s a few blocks from me.

  2. I don’t care if they try to hide it on the back in the corner or something, but to not put it on there at all is kinda deceiving. Even though I am a indy, party affiliation is still important to me.

  3. Angry Guy on August 28, 2008 at 7:42 am said:

    I think its funny that he would spend $ on designing this, and then pick that creepy picture to use in it

  4. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2008 at 7:49 am said:

    He probably didn’t hire an ad firm to put it together. Either that, or he intentionally toned down the showmanship. People around here won’t like a guy who spends much money on things or looks too nice.
    Hell, Janklow is still one of the favorite govenors in a lot of places.

  5. Yeah, isn’t it weird? He looks pretty good in the picture with his wife inside the brochure, but that cover picture . . . scary!

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