This is from 2006, but it’s too funny.

A martini is not a martini without an olive.

That, at least, is the thinking of a true connoisseur.

And to Siouxland residents, many of whom consider themselves connoisseurs of fine food, a city is not a city without an Olive Garden. So as of Monday, Sioux City becomes a real city.

Well who wouldn’t be excited about an Olive Garden with ample parking!

Hat Tip =

7 Thoughts on “Sioux City, Iowa Is Very, Very Excited About Olive Garden

  1. Funny. I’m sure you have seen all the hoopla in the AL lately about Uptown at the Falls? I guess one of the sticking points was the developers wanted the city to invest in parking for the development before they agreed to build down there. Hope they thought of bicycle racks and Olive Gardens too!

  2. Angry Guy on August 28, 2008 at 4:57 am said:

    Olive Garden is gross. There… I said it.

  3. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2008 at 6:42 am said:

    Today’s special: Yesterday’s pasta with a different sauce!
    I guess we’ve been a real city for longer than they have. NEENER NEENER!

  4. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2008 at 6:48 am said:

    OBTW, the link doesn’t work.

  5. I worked at Olive Garden when I was going to SE Tech. Trust me, it was the only place to eat in 1993. Packed all the time. Of course General Mills still owned the franchise at the time so they made there own pasta and sauce (I was one of the noodle makers and bus boy).

  6. Johnny Roastbeef on August 28, 2008 at 7:06 am said:

    Link fixed. Thanks, Dude.

  7. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2008 at 11:35 am said:

    Finally got around to reading the article. It sounds like something from the Onion. Sometimes teh real thing is better than the satire.
    The comments are priceless too.

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