Best political ad of the season!


17 Thoughts on “It’s about time the Herseth camp did a commercial about this

  1. i’m voting for steph, but this commercial comes off as desperate.

  2. I don’t think so at all. I wondered what took them so long to play it?

  3. Great commercial. I like it. I don’t think it is desperate at all, just hitting the facts.

  4. Considering that Noem has yet to further a single idea in any of her commercials or literature, it’s about time that a shot or two is taken at her.

  5. CCFlyer on October 11, 2010 at 8:22 pm said:


  6. I love the image of Noem in the ‘Urban Outfitters’ trucker hat talking about driving fast.

  7. Jackilope on October 11, 2010 at 9:04 pm said:

    B..b..but, isn’t Noem running against Pelosi? 😉

    I like the commercial and agree, it should have aired sooner.

  8. Buzz Evenrude on October 11, 2010 at 11:16 pm said:

    Damn straight! Steph and the Demo’s have got us headed in the right direction

  9. Costner on October 12, 2010 at 6:18 am said:

    Actually I’m a little disappointed in this ad. Until this point Herseth was sticking to her record and not going after Noem. On the other hand, the only thing Noem has done is attack Herseth and Pelosi.

    When a campaign has to go negative, I think it sends the wrong message. I think the vast majority of voters already know about Noem’s driving record, so I’m not sure we needed an ad to tell us about it – this just sends the wrong message.

  10. What is so negative about the ad? it is the truth.

  11. Costner on October 12, 2010 at 9:44 am said:

    It is getting away from the issues and focusing on Noem rather than what SHS can do for us. I’m not disagreeing that the ad is factual, but I don’t think it speaks well of a candidate when they need to go after their opponent rather than sticking to what they have to offer.

    This is the exact reason Rounds was elected Governor… because the other two chuckleheads were attacking each other and the voters didn’t like it.

  12. I thought this ad was pathetic. It is old news and very negative (something SHS vowed she would NOT do). Does SHS mean to say that Heideprim and her own father who also had 20 speeding tickets are above the law too? It shows that she will throw anybody under the bus to retain her seat of power and it reeks of desperation.

  13. Mike C on October 12, 2010 at 4:21 pm said:

    I think this is a great ad. It should’ve aired about a month ago, better late than never.

    While the ad is factual, it is still very negative. Costner is right, We got Marion because Steve Kirby and Mark Barnett couldn’t behave themselves. although Kristi did throw the first punch in this little cat fight.

  14. Noem has been hammering Steffy about Pelosi for a long time now, which I think is very negative (since they represent two different districts). Pointing out that someone running for office doesn’t have any disregard for the law is important, not negative. Enough bullshit generalities. It’s about time a politician points out the hypocrisy of another candidate. I commend the Herseth campaign for doing this commercial.

  15. SDmom – Is Herseth’s dad writing laws in the US Congress? No. STFU. I want law-abiding citizens writing laws that affect me.

  16. anominous on October 12, 2010 at 8:15 pm said:

    The one thing that is not accurate about this ad is that the car being driven is not doing 94mph.

  17. Mike C on October 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm said:

    Just be careful when you start slinging mud.
    It could very easily back-fire. South Dakotans are some what forgiving, but there is a limit

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