Senator Thule thinks a 15% blend will work in your hot rod just fine.

Oh, golly gee, imagine that, presidential wannabe Ironic Johnny is against (Obama’s) EPA. But I am sure if it was (Bush’s) EPA he would be all for it;

Sen. John Thune isn’t satisfied with the Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of a higher concentration of ethanol in gasoline for newer cars.

The South Dakota Republican says numerous tests have demonstrated that mixtures with up to 15 percent of the corn-based fuel also are suitable for older on-road vehicles.

The current maximum blend is 10 percent. The EPA announced Wednesday that the higher blend will be approved for vehicles manufactured since 2007.

Thune says limiting the approval to only vehicles made since 2007 will have little effect on the production and use of E15 and will lead to consumer confusion at the gas pump.

So we should have just kept it at 10%? John, you are making no sense at all. While I agree that ‘some’ older vehicles can use a 15% blend safely, some cannot. And by just having a blanket endorsement that ALL vehicles that are older then 2007 can use the product safely is bogus. I wonder what kind of performance Rocco would get from using a 15% blend in his RT?

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “The only ‘Confusion’ that exists comes from Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag’s misleading statements”
  1. You must have missed Johnson & Herseth Sandlin’s statements that said the same thing in a different way.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if these idiot politicians would quit pushing bad policies like burning food? Heck, it’d be better for the environment, too.

    All of this attention and government money getting thrown at ethanol has diverted resources from finding a real alternative to using fossil fuels in our vehicles.

  2. I agree, when you have the Broin brothers in a competition in who can build the bigger mansion one has to question ethanol subsidies.

  3. Hey now, those mansions are “stimulating” the economy. We should be thankful that all that sweet government money is flowing into SD’s economy.

    Yay for free money!!!

    (Yes, that was good heavy corn-syrup lathered sarcasm :))

  4. Really–You don’t get it!
    We are in a war to protect oil. Our whole economy is dependent on other countries willingness to deliver their oil to us at their price. Our trade balance is out of wack so why would anyone be against an American solution! We have had a 90 percent oil mandate in this country for 30 years. This is simple market access.

    Don’t forget Henry Ford was the first to use ethanol in his Model T’s. Brazil sure figured out to use ethanol, why can’t we?

  5. i’d like to congratulate the broin brothers on contributing to government spending and the national debt. maybe they can loan kristi’s kids 42 grand to pay back their share.

  6. Yeah and Brazil subsidizes and mandates the crap out of it too.

    They currently use (mandate) E-25, but they had to drop that down to E-20 for 3 months earlier this year due to high ethanol prices and supply concerns.

    Ethanol is not viable. It is not the solution to anything. We’re wasting money that could be going to researching real solutions while destroying our environment by plowing up every inch of grassland and spraying millions of tons of chemicals to get higher yields.

  7. 90% of our vehicles should run on electric with most of that power coming from wind, solar, and burning hemp.

  8. Eventually they probably will. The problem is that the technology isn’t there yet.

    All that money we pissed away on ethanol and corn subsidies and the R&D that has gone into flex-fuel vehicles could have gone a long ways in finding a viable battery system to store electricity from wind & solar and to power electric cars.

    Oh well, gotta keep the farmers happy by artificially lowering crop prices while simultaneously artificially inflating the demand for corn. Would hate to just let things happen on their own.

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