But at least I don’t post this kind of crap on my site.

I took down the post about Palin’s pregnancy story of her last child. BUT, no one from the McCain campaign has debunked this story yet, instead they are in hiding because Hurricane Gustav must be so powerful it is going to hit St. Paul. Give me a break.

But I heard another storm is on its way. . . scary!

Do you live at the bottom of the barrel? – Pastor(?) Steve DooHickey

7 Thoughts on “Apparently I live in the bottom of a barrel

  1. You taking down that post tells me you are not living at the bottom of the barrel so I retract that comment.

    The diarrhea video is funny.

    FYI – two typos in your title/ Apparently I line in the bottom of a barrell

  2. hosenpheffer on September 1, 2008 at 8:51 am said:

    dear pastor,
    shouldn’t you be ministering to the addicted and oppressed instead of proofreading blogs?

  3. He likes to minister to the grammatically challenged like myself to, so leave my DooHickey alone or I will hit you over my head with my whatchamacalit or my tallywhacker.

  4. EggBert on September 1, 2008 at 4:23 pm said:

    Dear l3wis: What is the location of your barrell so that I may spiritually deliver you from being in the bottom of it?

    Dear hosenpheffer: Pastor Steve needs no reminding of what goods He does, and you just need to focus on your own highly immoral use of non-capital letters to begin sentences where capital letters should be. Jesus used capital letters correctly in sentences, so shouldn’t you as well?

    Dear Pastor Steve: What is the location of your barrell so that I can deliver you from being lined in it. And once again I agree with your teachings/preaching/guidance that – yes, diarrhea is funny.


    EggBert T. F. I. G.

  5. tgrindadams on September 1, 2008 at 11:55 pm said:

    WTF would you even link to that lunatic site? Now I’ve traveled there and have become a statistic when he (like all you other narcisstic bloggers do) tallies up his hits.

    I hate being a statistic.

  6. I hope he is smart enough to realize he gets most of his traffic from readers who think he is completely off his rocker.

  7. Ghost of Dude on September 2, 2008 at 6:59 am said:

    Some of us actually leave him a comment or two.

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