5 Thoughts on “Seems Dems care more about business freedoms then Repugs do

  1. Costner on October 24, 2010 at 1:41 pm said:

    The range between Dems and Reps is surely within margin of error. The good news is there is a nearly 30 point gap between the yes and no votes.

    Glad to know those idiotic fear-mongering television ads aren’t working. Don Rose and his ilk have wasted a lot of money for nothing.

  2. Yeah, they are going to lose for sure.

  3. Ghost of Dude on October 25, 2010 at 10:15 am said:

    Every telephone booth casino in town has the same thing on its sign: “Vote no on 12 Freedom”.

    They’re the only ‘vote no’ signs I’ve seen.

  4. I noticed that the other day to and had to laugh.

  5. Mike C on October 26, 2010 at 4:13 am said:

    Fear not guys, it will pass. I won’t be too upset if those ‘casinos’ have to find another form of business.

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