Image: CNN screenshot

Yes kiddies, this is how politics work in Washington. It’s who yah know (Thune) not what yah know. I look forward to her being in a leadership position, it will prove just how ‘bright’ her star is.

I also got a kick out of Candy referring to her as a tea partier. Even though throughout the campaign she denied it. Just keep up the wink and nod Kristi. One of these days were gonna nail you on your hypocrisy.

By l3wis

24 thoughts on “Noem in a leadership position?! Hopefully it is not on the transportation committee.”
  1. She’s a leader. At 94 MPH she’s always ahead of us on the highway. She’ll not be curbed because she’s immune from censure and warrants.

  2. Really? Are you idiots that petty? South Dakota is getting a congress woman who is a leadership position, and all you can do it complain?

    YOU LOST!!! Live with it.

  3. again, not a noem fan. but find it hilarious when so many just can’t wait to dis her. she won’t be worse than steph. y’all should accept that D or R doesn’t matter so much. They’re all bought and paid for, you continue to slurp up the party talking points, and believe one side better represents you -HA!

    noem gets leadership, twists the knife a little in the losers – lol.

  4. I agree with jeff. We need Kristi to take our values to washington. IF JohN THunE = Gil GErard then KRistY NOem = EriN GRaY. I hope SHe don’t hit NoboDY.

  5. At this moment in time (7:25p) Keith and Gene Robinson are talking about Snooki and Orange Boehner. Just gag me.

  6. Well at least he isn’t voting on bills that affect our lives and he doesn’t drive, so we don’t have to worry about him running stops signs and crashing into any of us.

  7. So she gets a made up leadership post queen of the freshman class. Pretty important and relevant. I would be more impressed if on sf commi5t

  8. With Noem in a leadership position, maybe South Dakota
    can acquire even more Federal dollars to balance its future budget deficits.

  9. I believe House Rules require a college degree for a leadership position. I know it’s the only thing which
    stopped Clint Roberts.

  10. Why are Democrats So Stupid: Really? Are you idiots that petty? South Dakota is getting a congress woman who is a leadership position, and all you can do it complain?

    YOU LOST!!! Live with it.

    So the person who names himself/herself with a “stupid” label and who calls others “idiots” thinks they can determine what is petty?

    He genius – Tom Daschle was in a leadership position too… and I don’t recall Republicans being too happy about it. Not only that, Daschle was in a REAL leadership position, not something that is made up to make the prom queen happy.

    Mark my words – the GOP is not about to hand anything to Noem because they don’t need another Bachman running around making them look like morons. It is a disservice to the party, and they are a tad smarter than that.

  11. “Really? Are you idiots that petty? South Dakota is getting a congress woman who is a leadership position, and all you can do it complain?”

    Oh please, ever heard of Tom Daschle?

  12. I hear the talk in MN and DC is that Michelle Bachman doesn’t like Kristi Noem. Sounds like it’s because Boehner wants the HOT girl who likes ice cream on her top lip to stand behind her during press conferences.

    You have to hand it to Kristi though. She knows what 50 year old men like. Shoot I’d let her hang out with me in college.

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