photo credit: Thea Miller Ryan, Sioux Falls, Twitpic, 2010.11.21

Since everyone is talking about this (since nothing else really happens in Sux Falls) here is my two cents on the topic, or at least Stormland TV‘s two cents.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “God hates idiots”
  1. I am a little torn. On the one hand, its nice that pretty much no one likes this Westboro lawyer clan and their church of tax dodging. On the other, this give them the attention they crave and need for their money generating operation.

  2. I really don’t care either way. I am anti-censorship so if we have to put up with these dipshits so I can see edgy art in a public museum, so be it, let them parade around like idiots.

  3. I believe the “Westboro” clan was really just one family…as in a Ma a Pa and 3 lil hillbilly kids to hold the signs.

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