Mayor Hanson and Munson did it? But were they following city charter? According to this website, maybe not;

As you can see, having the mayor preside over council meetings is like having the governor preside over the legislative session. Just doesn’t work that way. So who would run the meetings? The council chair should run the meetings and the mayor should only be available to answer questions or at least someone from his office available.

The council should be setting the agenda, not the mayor.

So my question is this; When will the city council bone up?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Is Mayor Huether supposed to be presiding over the council meetings?”
  1. What’s happened is city government has become neither democratic nor constitutional. If you trace changes in city ordinances since 1994, it’s obvious the city was becoming a dictatorship. Courts have found that city civil procedures are not recognized per rule of law. Cases are coming into state supreme court. If Home Rule is not adapted or repealed, it must be revoked. If citizens paid attention or cared at all, they’d realize they’re subjects but not citizens. It’s become time to return to government of, by, and for the people. Presently, but a few control and own this town.

  2. Per city charter, the city can fine up to $600 and/or sentence to 6 months in jail. You go to jail for a criminal violation but the city can’t arrest you and if they try you must go before a judge. A judge doesn’t recognize city procedures because they do not allow due process or appeals. In other words, city government exists and they can tax but have no way to enforce. What do we need them for?

  3. The website you referred to is a general explanation of a “Strong Mayor” form of government. According to state statute municipalities can have a Trustee Form, Aldermanic Form, Commissioner Form, City Manager Form or Home Rule type of government. Statute stipulates the roll of the Mayor and Council in all of these forms except for the Home Rule Charter . Sioux Falls under the home rule charter can designate their own rules and regulation on how meetings are conducted and the powers of the Mayor and Council. Section 3.03 of the Sioux Falls Charter states “The mayor shall preside at meetings of the council”. End of argument.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up. BUT, the city council CAN change policy and the charter if they have the will.

  5. Scott, you should try to learn something before you shoot off your blogs, no – the part-time council could only offer an idea to change the city charter. If the charter were to be changed, any changes have to be voted on and passed by city voters.

  6. Funny. I know his wife commented to someone lately she isn’t a fan of the ‘blogs’. Mike needs to hire someone like Jodi Schwan to read the ‘blogs’ for him, so he doesn’t have to waste his time with it.

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