photo by By Steve Truesdell


Why don’t you have sweet tea?

Why don’t you have white bread?

Why don’t you have country fried steak?

Your water tastes like piss.

Your fries are rinky dinky.

I want some of that chippy dippy stuff (Nachos).

I want my steak well done.

Three dollars is too big of a tip.

Ahem . . .

Why are you so ignorant?

Why are you so rude?

Why are you so un-kept?

Why does your wife look like you?

Why do you think you are funny?

There is a reason why the South lost the Civil War . . .

By l3wis

18 thoughts on “The Ugly Table (#10)”
  1. We took a trip down to that neck of the woods last year and I knew I was in trouble when I kept seeing “Catfish” advertised on the all the restaurant billboards. Shoney’s seems to = our Perkins. On the plus side, you will get better Ribs, Jambalaya and Gumbo pretty much anywhere south of Omaha (well, the ribs at the Roadhouse are pretty damn good…but besides them)

  2. Way to be prejudiced against southerners yet somehow retain the “my shit doesn’t stink” liberal attitude!

  3. No they don’t have a monopoly on being bastards, however it is often liberals who complain about discrimination and racism, then proceed to make comments such as yours.

  4. Where was I racist?

    Trust me, if you had some dumb hick Southerner waving their fist at you because you ‘Don’t have Sweet tea.’ You would soon form such an opinion. I’m not saying all southerners act like this, but most do. I had a Southerner couple say to me, “We like vacationing in SD because there isn’t a lot of black people.”

  5. I’m not saying all southerners act like this, but most do.

    Looks like prejudice to me! Change that from southerners to black and your tune would be different, yes? If someone liked vacationing in Compton because there are not many white people would you still be upset?

  6. Who said I was upset? Just repeating what these ignorant Southerners said to me. I’m not black, why should I be offended?

  7. What does this have to do with poltiical ideology?

    Sweet tea is particular to the south. I wouldn’t expect to find lutefisk or kuken in Alabama. Southern cooking does more breading and frying than most. I don’t care for it.

    Well done steaks are a crime. Dunno if it has anything to do with the South.

    Yeah. Our city water is not very good.

  8. Jim – this isn’t really an issue of prejudice but rather stereotyping. It also has nothing to do with racism or discrimination (did you see l3wis suggest he wouldn’t serve them or would treat them differently?).

    So really… did you have a legitimate point? I didn’t think so.

  9. Prejudice is a form of racism. By saying southerners are ignorant, he is discriminating against them. Just because you discriminate doesn’t mean you wouldn’t serve someone, you just don’t like them.

  10. He isn’t saying ALL southerners are ignorant… merely the ones who he has had the pleasure of serving and who ask ignorant questions. That is sort of the whole point of “the ugly table” posts as he is speaking from his personal experiences.

    Not to mention it is satire. So again you don’t have a valid point.

    Besides, when you see l3wis being hypocritical on his stance on race or bigotry by all means call him on it, but to simply turn around and paint him with the brush of having a “my shit doesn’t stink liberal attitude” or associating him with hypocritical liberals who make comments about racism, you are doing the exact thing you seem to be railing against. You are applying a stereotype about liberals to l3wis, which means you are displaying a prejudice against liberals as well.

    By the way Jim, it has jack to do with racism as l3wis never even mentioned the race of the southerners. He did however provide a direct quote from a couple he served, but that doesn’t have any bearing on him…. only them.

  11. The point I am making is that it seems to be fine making fun of southerners. While I am all for a good joke I do find it disconcerting when I see the stereotyping. Ever get the feeling we are taking this too serious?

  12. Some call it stereotyping, others call it the law of averages. I for one am not a huge proponent of political correctness so I could care less, but I get just as frustrated with people who pull the race card as I do with those who are overtly racist.

    Are we taking it too seriously? I know I’m not… which is why I thought it wise to remind you this is satire, however based upon your very first post it sure seemed like you were getting bent out of shape about it.

    Besides – south vs. north isn’t a protected class. You can’t discriminate against someone due to race, national origin, creed, religion, or color… but it doesn’t say a thing about ignorant rednecks from Georgia.


    Keep in mind we are just a bunch of idiot yankees to them anyway.

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